I am getting board with cars these days.
I have a couple projects that are reaching completion. I have a potential new one. The 924s is DOA at the moment needing either a new motor or the usual 100k rod bearing replacement service. I was half way wanting to just replace the motor with something Audi or VW but the motivation is just not there and the stock motor just does not do it for me. 2.5l making 160HP at the crank? There are 1.5l motors out there making that kind of hp now. Ya I know V8 but we discussed that and I just don't want to do that. The problem is that the car is so heavy that a "fun" four cylinder becomes not so fun.
My new to me X type project is wrapping up and other than a couple little things it is all set. It ahs been the new to me DD for the last month and I am enjoying it but I can see me getting board with it. (I have been looking at S-Types lusting after one of them as they have the lines hat are reminiscent of the old 150's)
Then there is the whole rust belt problem. We just don't have any good older project cars up here that are not complete piles of rust. When it gets to the point that cars with rusted out floors are not even something that bothers you you know you have lived in the rust belt to long. And when you get one fixed and ready to go you can only drive it for 6 months out of the year or it will return to earth in a matter of a couple of years.
Done the racing thing for years. It was fun. I have the memories. But don't have any urge to go back to it.
I still like cars. I still like working on them. There is just not that spark or excitement at the moment.
What is a car nut to do when they get board.
Yes, I often get bored with many things.
Build a Locost?
Buy a bike?
Try off-roading?
Restore a travel trailer?
dean1484 wrote:
What is a car nut to do when they get board.
I'm gonna say that your options are surfing or skiing. Yeah, those two.
If your boardom lasts longer than four hours, seek medical attention.
In reply to Esoteric Nixon:
That's good advice.
If you're getting board, why not build a raft 
You can come out here and work on my projects. Plenty to do. Heck, I might even help!
Most of you guys are knot answering his question! It wood be nice if you stayed on topic and knot let this thread splinter in two different directions.
Even though that's the poplar thing to do nowadays.
6/15/15 4:13 p.m.
With the mention of expeditionportal, I am reminded that I intentionally avoid www.advrider.com/forums because it will lure me down the path of Dual Spot Motorcycle ownership.
6/15/15 4:29 p.m.
When I hit the wall for one of my hobbies, I usually switch over to one of the other ones.
Right now, I have 3 hobbies.
My 1984 Mercury Marquis and all of it's Fox Body 'Lego-ness'
Vacuum Tube Amps, Guitars, Speakers, and electronics
Wood working; it's particularly nice when you get board.
6/15/15 4:35 p.m.
Rent the home depot truck. Or if you're getting enough board, a decent lumber yard will deliver.
RossD wrote:
When I hit the wall for one of my hobbies, I usually switch over to one of the other ones.
Right now, I have 3 hobbies.
1. My 1984 Mercury Marquis and all of it's Fox Body 'Lego-ness'
2. Vacuum Tube Amps, Guitars, Speakers, and electronics
3. Wood working; it's particularly nice when you get board.
This. Find something else interesting.
I parked the race cars over a year ago. I've built a Samurai, a jet boat and am in the middle of refurbishing a truck camper.
Think outside of the box.
In reply to dean1484:
Just step back and take a break for a while. The desire to play with cars may come back or it may not. There is no harm in just walking away for a while. Hell, I haven't even owned a car in two years.
Welcome to the club. I have two Spitfire projects that I started on like a house afire. The fire has cooled a lot.
Ya Ya Ya Board I got wood... . (dam cell phone auto type / correct thing)
It is not that I am not getting things done in fact all but the 924s are done. I am actually thinking of selling the 924s. I just don't have the spark for anything at the moment. I was thinking of some sort of RX8 project or I have not played with anything Italian in a long time. But there is no lusting after something that I usually have even if I am in the middle of another project.
My latest bit of car entertainment for the last couple of years has been to pull things from the local yard and fix them and move them on. I have got to drive some neat cars (and some complete POS) There has not been any good pickings there either lately. I just missed on an spitfire and there is a solstice there now that looks like it could be fun. But for some reason I am just not interested in it.
sure … blame it on the tool