10/15/10 8:49 p.m.
My friend just showed me these beasts... and I am completely in love.
I guess we never got them over here.. so my question is this. What is the closest thing you can get to the Golf Country?
The rules would be you could build it out of USA cars, but it shouldn't require so much fabrication that it would make inspection stations nervous.

10/15/10 9:22 p.m.
AMC Eagle
*EDIT...... http://scorpionsubaru.com

Springs would lift your MK3 a bit to get bigger tires under there to give you the look of a Golf Country. In fact I climbed with a guy in Utah that did just that, so I know it works and is fairly painless. You still have FWD though and if you want 4wd I can't help you with that. Putting Syncro in a FWD Golf unibody would need some serious fabrication.
On a sorta similar topic my personal new favorite is a WRX with spacers or Forester suspension and truck all terrain tires a la Dirty Impreza.
10/15/10 10:37 p.m.
It's been done with the floor pan and transaxle from a syncro passat. Check on the poortex - there's several build threads.
i like the look of a golf that is just raised a bit. rally look
My friend had a lifted golf mk2 golf for a while with 27 inch tires, it killed lots of cv joints though. The golf country has a seperate frame to drop the drivetrain and suspension down, it also has very little gound clearance. a more reasonable lift would work though, passat VR6 springs and bilstien HD dampers are what you need, plus some mk3 and passat suspension parts.
Travis_K wrote:
a more reasonable lift would work though, passat VR6 springs and bilstien HD dampers are what you need, plus some mk3 and passat suspension parts.
is this just speculation/ hearsay or is this a fact? link to a project page for this stuff? i find cheap golf alllll the time around here and this would be cool to do to one of em
All I know, is it makes my pants tight
No, it was actually done, and i personally saw and rode in the car. The only info I know of about it was on VW vortex, and after they ruined the forum with the new software I dont go on there anymore. The lift kit is actually on a MK3 Jetta now, and the beater golf it was on is probably going to be a street car again eventually Actually someone else here is building a lifted syncro golf too.
That is the car im talking about.
10/19/10 8:29 p.m.
Travis_K wrote:
That is the car im talking about.
if that's AWD/4WD I might just die right now
^^dream car 
Its not AWD, he was going to, but that car has massive amounts of bondo, and it cracked a piston so he bought a different Golf thats nicer and is going to stay a street car. Someone else is almost done with a 4 door version of that that is awd though.