6/2/14 12:25 p.m.
Hey, all: Looking for vendor recommendations for a premounted wheel/tire package in the 16x7 range. Will not be anything earthshattering, and I have had decent service from both TR and DTD. I just need these in the next month or two, and neither place has any particularly exciting options available now or in the near future. Plus, I just like to have choices.
Anybody have other places to shop, within reasonable shipping distance of the Philadelphia area? Thanks.
6/2/14 1:05 p.m.
try http://www.treadzone.com/
6/2/14 1:20 p.m.
Thanks, I'll keep them in mind for later. That looks good for competition tires, but I need street tires with a wheel package.
6/2/14 1:33 p.m.
I have looked at Treaddepot but, I have never bought from them.
6/2/14 1:45 p.m.
has been good for me
I have bought a number of pair of tires from www.tirebuyer.com
This website is actually American Tire Wholesalers(ATW), a company that supplies tire stores, dealerships and for me, here in Ohio, they supply Wal-Mart.
Seems that ATW has started a website to compete. When I place an order, the tires are shipped free directly to the tire shop, in my area that I choose. The website tells me how much that shop will charge for mount/balance which was most recently $16.50 per tire. The ATW truck brings out the tires to the shop (the same shop it is likely going to anyway.) I have had the tires as soon as next day.
The mount/balance charges are paid directly to the shop, tires themselves are paid for online. In my 3 transactions I have never had the shop try to charge me more or any shenanigans.
ATW/Tirebuyer sells rims too but I have never shopped them.
6/2/14 2:45 p.m.
Treaddepot seems like they have a pretty good hookup for me, but I will also try Tirebuyer. BWT seemed pretty steep. Thanks, all!
Bummer that Tire Rack and Discount Tire don't have what you need.
I'm always amazed at how efficient Tire Rack runs it's business. I ordered two BFG Comp Sport 2s for my M3 yesterday afternoon..........they arrived TODAY! It took them less than 24 hours--- and this is just regular UPS ground shipping. 

I understand they have warehouses in various regions, but this sort of efficiency is just mind blowing. Well done Tire Rack!
I bought from Tire Rack almost exclusively for 25 years, the only exceptions being when I wanted a brand of wheel that they didn't carry. Then a couple of years ago, they built a warehouse in my state and now I get charged sales tax, which takes away most of the price advantage. Even before that, I would often have tires at my door within 24 hours.
6/3/14 9:15 a.m.
I agree they are efficient, but their budget wheel selection leaves a lot to be desired at the moment.
It also kind of annoys me to live within 15 minutes' drive of their Delaware warehouse, yet be forced to pay $100 shipping because I'm not allowed to pick my orders up at their dock.