(1995 ACR). I had to get a new radiator, because the old one was leaking. I got a new factory one of the current correct part number, which fit exactly the same as the old one, but was slightly different and much more cheaply made (lighter, plastic tanks, etc). Now, after about 3k miles its starting to leak at one of the seams. Are there any non oem sources that might be of better quality? I would just like a part that is as good as the original one was, but that doesn't seem to be something the dealer can help with anymore.
I sell Mishimoto and Koyo far from OE but both are great they dont exactly play nice with the OE fans though. I may have a slightly used Mopar replacement if OE is important to you. I have yet to find any stock style afttermarkets that are OE quality
Shoot! I put one in my '99 Sport just a few years ago before I sold it and I can't honestly remember where I got it. I'm thinking Advance is the most likely source, with Carquest being a distant second possibility. Quality seemed okay--I don't recall any part of it being plastic-- and the car is still going, and so presumably, is the rad.
I bought an aluminum race rad from somebody...Wasn't even tragically expensive, for a race rad.
Well, OE quality isn't important to mopar it seems, so I don't really have a preference as far as it having the right part number on it. The cooling system still holds pressure, so this radiator will probably last a little longer, but you can see/smell a small amount of coolant leaking.
Have you tried rock auto? Add in the GRM discount and it may be something to consider.
If you have a radiator shop in your area you may want to consider seeing if they can take your "new" one and replace the side tanks with metal ones. may be they are able to fab some up one to match for a reasonable amount of $$$$ especially if they can re use the core and just replace the tanks.
Do you still have your old one? If you do I would look at a record of that unit especially if it has metal tanks.
I have had hit and miss purchasing radiators from AUTOZONE. I got one that looked to be all metal and it was brass and copper at that. It was for a Toyota EZ. The dam thing was 2x as heavy as the OE and had 4 rows instead of the factory 1. Most of the time there are standard replacements but the cores are upgraded to either 3 or 4 rows instead of the OE 1 or 2. And they are plastic tanks. I have never had a problem with them and they have a lifetime warranty.