Frankly the wild obsession with what it looks like by the developer disturbs me a bit. I mean do you really need to put such huge effort into the looks of the things you are racing past at high speed and not looking at?
I really hope they add some sort of "game" to this one also. The others have really been nothing but a car collection process, with races that you either really can't win, or blow all the other cars away.
Custom car design would be nice, but I suspect that will not happen. Of course if you allow that you will likely end up with a bunch of idiots with Your A Fag written all over their cars. How does Forza deal with that?
Online may save this one, if it is done right...
Also, they need to buy the car dynamics engine from Enthusia...
^ Enthusia is the E36 M3!!
I guess as a former GT fanboi, I'll chime in . . .
I seem to only stick to GT2 and GT3 . . . GT4 collects lots of dust. The GT4 is ultimate understeering simulator.
Strangely, most of my setup notes translated very well from GT2 => GT3. But from GT3 => GT4 was lost in transmission . . . soften the rear bar to make it stiff??? wtf??? Wild pendulum effects, super snap oversteer, large number palette swapped cars, V8 cars that sound like weed wackers etc . . .
Then I tried GT5 prologue . . .and it was like driving GT4 v2. 
No thanks . . .I'll stick to GT2, GT3 (my fav out of the GT Series), Forza 2 and Forza 3.
BradLTL wrote:
Here is the official update... 7 pages, by far the most information that PD has provided to date...
PD updates GT5
In what way? Everything except for the 3D stuff has been done in every console racing game worth it's salt in the last ten years. Test Drive: Le Mans for the Dreamcast(!) had real time 24hr racing, with dynamic lighting changes to match the day-into-night-into-day of the 24. And that was TEN YEARS AGO! They even had rain!
6/18/10 7:22 p.m.
seeker589 wrote:
In reply to z31maniac:
That computer is much too slow - you need to put a turbo on it and some Nitrous - Then it may just keep up.
And you must cryogenically treat the chassis so the grains align with the loads.
And don't forget the methanol injection to cool and condense the electron flow...
6/18/10 10:39 p.m.
3D with the camera looking at you, so when you move your head you get a different view out of the car....dang, I didnt know I wanted a 3D TV until I saw that....
RossD wrote:
3D with the camera looking at you, so when you move your head you get a different view out of the car....dang, I didnt know I wanted a 3D TV until I saw that....
You'll also want Dramamine too, then. Every review I've read about the 3D left the reviewer nauseated.
aircooled wrote:
Frankly the wild obsession with what it looks like by the developer disturbs me a bit. I mean do you really need to put such huge effort into the looks of the things you are racing past at high speed and not looking at?
I really hope they add some sort of "game" to this one also. The others have really been nothing but a car collection process, with races that you either really can't win, or blow all the other cars away.
Custom car design would be nice, but I suspect that will not happen. Of course if you allow that you will likely end up with a bunch of idiots with Your A Fag written all over their cars. How does Forza deal with that?
Online may save this one, if it is done right...
Also, they need to buy the car dynamics engine from Enthusia...
+a million
Really, no matter how good that will look - the racing will still be cartoonish. It has been in every generation of GT, Forza... etc. You guys should really try GTR2 on a PC with enough juice to render it. A field of 30 beautiful cars with excellent driving dynamics (the part all the consoles drum out to cater to a wider audience) and gobs of additional tracks/cars for free.
Then, when you are hooked, buy rFactor and install the Historic GT mod and a few other choice versions of awesome. You will look back at the GT/Forza stuff as you would view a civic with a wing and fart can parked next to a Daytona Prototype... (because my analogies usually suck... one is just pretending and not doing a very good job of it).
I guess that's why all the "wider audience" complains about how easy a RWD car spins out when they get on the gas coming out of a corner in Forza, when they havn't spent a lick of time setting up the suspension, and think the Ltd. Slip is a waste of time.
racerfink wrote:
I guess that's why all the "wider audience" complains about how easy a RWD car spins out when they get on the gas coming out of a corner in Forza, when they havn't spent a lick of time setting up the suspension, and think the Ltd. Slip is a waste of time.
More likely its that if you want to sell anything in quantity you can't assume everyone has a $300 wheel and pedals so you make it slow and cartoony enough to operate with a joystick/handheld. It makes sense... it just blows once you drive a sim that caters to driving physics and realism.
DukeOfUndersteer wrote:
10 bucks they change the date..
Ooooooooo, told you so....

And the guy at gamestop wonders why I laughed when he asked if I wanted to preorder...
DukeOfUndersteer wrote:
DukeOfUndersteer wrote:
10 bucks they change the date..
Ooooooooo, told you so....
Dear Sony,
berkeley YOU, I'm now buying a Wii, AND a 360.
Have a nice day.
I bet Duke Nukem Forever comes out before this game does. 
And I bet if GT5 ever comes out, I bet it will be incomplete and half baked like all the other ones. Not to say that I didn't like the others (have them all, even the dreadful PSP one), but there were always parts that were glitchy and unfinished. For example, the drag racing in GT2, the fact that you can't complete the games to 100%, leaving out the promised online mode in GT4, and the fact that they spent like 3-4 years developing the PSP one and they left out the career mode completely. 
That said, as far as console racers go, Forza is a damn good series, and Forza 3 hasn't left my 360 in months. 
Actually, DNF has shown signs of life lately... It might be a good comparison.
Dated Sept 3:
Warning: it uses nasty language....
scardeal wrote:
Actually, DNF has shown signs of life lately... It might be a good comparison.
Dated Sept 3:
Warning: it uses nasty language....
I know!!! I heard it was even coming out by the end of the year! 
This is good news for me. I couldn't afford Fallout New Vegas and GT5 in the same month.
Rufledt wrote:
I'll resist being excited until i put it in the PS3 and it starts.
I said it before, and i'll repeat it now. I'm gonna resist impending excitement until I have it in my PS3 and it starts up. Until then, everything they say will be seen as lies.
And then i'll start smashing rally cars.
Maybe it is just me rubbing it in but this update really makes me want to play Forza 3 tonight :) I think I will. hehehe
In reply to miatame:
that's why i didnt take your bet, we both knew it'll never ever come to market.
miatame wrote:
Maybe it is just me rubbing it in but this update really makes me want to play Forza 3 tonight :) I think I will. hehehe
Build me one of those race seat thingys for Forza 3 and my MS wheel so I can be cool like you guys!
(Seriously, I need to make that happen.
In reply to SilverFleet:
Troll craigslist... I found a car seat that had casters attached to it; only $20.
In reply to scardeal:
I've got a few seats at my disposal. I need to build the rest!
<<<=== Idiot fanboy who preordered the collectors edition months ago
Oh well, I still have a long way to go in forza 3, just started playing with the paint shop too, that's fun and not nearly as frustrating as I thought it was going to be with a controller. Kudos to the Turn 10 team, though it still would have been sweet to go all mouse and keyboard on it.
I also preordered the collector's edition when I heard that November 2nd was the official release date. Kazanori Yamauchi, (hell if I know how to spell his name), is definitely obsessed. Now I normally don't like when developers release an unfinished game and patch it later through downloadable updates, but I see nothing wrong with releasing what's essentially a finished game and POLISHING it further with downloadable updates.
That being said, get with the berkeleying program Kaz and release the damn game!

I'm glad my brother convinced me to purchase Madden 11 and NCAA 11 for my PS3...otherwise that thing was going up on CL. I bought it for the sole purpose of playing GT and Blu-Ray. Since I can't afford Blu-Rays all teh time it was not getting any use.
Vaporware I tell you that's all it is.