irish44j wrote:
older V6 4Runner then. Tow capacity should be around 5000lbs. You should be able to find a late-90s one within your PCS budget :)
I towed a Spitfire home ~125 miles on a Uhaul trailer with my 99 4Runner. I wouldn't want to do that a lot. It tows OK, but not a lot of power. Everybody was passing me.
3/15/10 7:33 p.m.
Tommy Suddard wrote:
Sorry to sidetrack, but what's PCS?
PCS is Air Force lingo for permanent change of station. So when I PCSed from Myrtle Beach to Sembach and back I moved twice.
Hope that helps.
MrJoshua wrote:
Cotton wrote:
irish44j wrote:
03+ V8 4Runner....and I'm saying that as a former Cherokee owner...
Friend of mine tows her 23ft camper with a v8 4-runner. She is looking to trade it because even though she is under weight, has a WD hitch, and trailer brakes, the 4 runner still doesn't do very well towing that load. She is currently looking for a 4 door Yukon and is towing with her Father's dually in the meantime. Of course right now, because of all the Toyota press, she hasn't been able to find a dealer to take the Toyota in trade. Basically they want to pre-sell it before trading for it.
So right now is the time to PM Osterkraut or me at pt josh miller at gmail dot com and tell us what she wants for her 4runner.
You can't get rid of the Landy.
I think the Disco will stick around a bit.
On the 93 I own I got to about the 280k mark before it got undriveable, that being said, jump start it and I can drive it around the yard, just not very fast. We miss it, going to be hunting for a new motor and trans soon, then rebuild the front axle, and put a new drivers side door on it it, and we plan on rocking it for another 200k or better. the limited series GC's got poor gas mileage, 15 was it, period, I could beat on it or drive like a granny and it wasn't getting better or worse than 15mpg. The little "crapola" 318 had enough grunt to brake the tires loose going uphill at 20ish if you dropped the go pedal to the floor so I had no complaints. Things to look out for, are drivers door, at the door latch, our door just ripped the catch mechanism right out. Body moulding comes off easily, make sure they're attached properly. the AC quit at about the 250k mark, and the power steering went at 220k. Avoid the limited models and you can get better mileage out of em, the quadratrack eats a bit of mileage, and it's an open differential.
ignorant wrote:
MrJoshua wrote:
I think the Disco will stick around a bit.
daily or wheeler?
Daily at the moment, not sure about the future.
P71 wrote:
GW's could be had with 360/4Bbl's and 401/4Bbl's as well. The 401's for sure got a TH400, which everybody knows is awesome. The trick on a FSJ is to get the *oldest* one possible. The older they are, the better power they make with tougher transmissions and better gearing. You actually want to Wagoneer hunt and get a non-woody year for the best stuff.
P71 FTW. My SJ was a base model 77 Cherokee (back then, if you wanted 4 doors, you bought the Wagoneer) with the 360. A 4bbl and a set of headers really woke it up. Installed a Class 4 hitch and was good to go. There was a thread the other night that reminded me how much I miss it.
New Reader
3/15/10 8:55 p.m.
I DD and tow my IT CRX and 18 foot boat with a 97 GC. It has the 6 cyl and while it only has 102k on it, has been very reliable. The car trailer has good brakes and I make sure the tonque weight is not too crazy but it tows very nice. I am in the upper midwest so large hills are not an issue...
3/16/10 12:36 p.m.
MrJoshua wrote:
Cotton wrote:
irish44j wrote:
03+ V8 4Runner....and I'm saying that as a former Cherokee owner...
Friend of mine tows her 23ft camper with a v8 4-runner. She is looking to trade it because even though she is under weight, has a WD hitch, and trailer brakes, the 4 runner still doesn't do very well towing that load. She is currently looking for a 4 door Yukon and is towing with her Father's dually in the meantime. Of course right now, because of all the Toyota press, she hasn't been able to find a dealer to take the Toyota in trade. Basically they want to pre-sell it before trading for it.
So right now is the time to PM Osterkraut or me at pt josh miller at gmail dot com and tell us what she wants for her 4runner.
Okay it's a v6 not a v8. Here are the specs. 2007 v6/4wd, 20k miles, black, wd hitch, brake controller, hasn't been towed with much because it just didn't do well with her camper. She is asking 19k.
ignorant wrote:
Molester van.
That's more of a molested van IMHO.
3/16/10 2:38 p.m.
^ lol
Digging the never-ending story paint job, though. 

Nothing to add, except, welcome to Omaha! Let me know if you have any questions.
twolittlebroncos wrote:
I've had positive experiences with mine, but not a lot of towing. We've towed a 3,000lb ski boat around with no problems, but nothing larger.
Our 1993 4.0 has about 250k on it now, the tranny failed at 240k or so. Everything electrical on it still works.
The '93 Grand (ZJ) got the same tranny (AW4) as the XJ even on the uber rare manual ZJ (AX15). That's why you didn't have any problems :)
Who the heck knows why they switched to the crappy auto but kept the AW4 in the XJ all the way up to 2001! Stupid bean counters.
FWIW I towed my 2500lbs E30 and Uhaul dolly behind my '99 XJ from Boston to the Challenge and back without issues.
New Reader
3/17/10 11:21 a.m.
The biggest thing you have to remember is when you are towing something that weighs as much as the vehicle your towing with you have to make sure ever thing is balanced and remember you are towing something. even with my 3500 Dodge when the load gets to the point where it matches or out weighs my truck you have to think a little different. With lighter loads the truck doesn't knowtice much