Our newspaper ran an article on our run in the Challenge last year, thought some of you may be interested to read what they had to say. It's obviously written by a non-engineer or car guy, but it's publicity, right? This is still a baby organization at our school, so we're hoping this will draw some more members.
Yeah, they didn't mention any of the stuff we told them about the Challenge itself (even the budget, I guess that's not important), but publicity's publicity.
Thanks again to all the organizers of this event, it's done wonders for our Society of Automotive Engineers chapter here at A&M. Our volunteer participation is at an all-time high thanks to this event.
Tom Heath
Marketing / Club Coordinator
11/3/09 10:06 a.m.
Good deal! I hope this translates to lots of new team members for you guys. Good to hear that the car will be back next year, too.
New Reader
11/3/09 11:02 a.m.
Sweet! We used to try to get anything in the Battalion we could when I was in school there, and doing events with the Texas A&M Sports Car Club. We'll be bringing our Challenge car down to some TAMSCC autocross events for testing, next semester or as soon as we get it running. We should have a GRM Challenge Class. Don't they already have a LeMons class? 
It's good to see the word being spread. Thanks to all involved.
That's awesome guys, can't wait to run against ya'll next year.
i absolutely love your avatar ,and it makes me laff
Fair wrote:
Sweet! We used to try to get anything in the *Battalion* we could when I was in school there, and doing events with the Texas A&M Sports Car Club. We'll be bringing our Challenge car down to some TAMSCC autocross events for testing, next semester or as soon as we get it running. We should have a GRM Challenge Class. Don't they already have a LeMons class?
That's a good idea. I don't think it'd be hard at all if we have at least three Challenge cars there. We're taking the Civic out on Sunday, and we'll be running the '10 car once it's ready. It's got a ways to go, though.
congrats to you guys. i gave up trying to get my school to do anything like that. i keep trying to do naything with the autoclub i founded in 2004 after i went to the challange but i could never get the school to even back us...sigh...
If any of you have a listing of shools that have auto clubs could you email me with the school name and contacts? Tom and I want to start getting more school involved. Emails to:
PS If all else fails, just add another sticker.