While the greater Daytona Beach area dodged a knock-out punch by Hurricane Matthew, we definitely received a blow. As of Wednesday, October 12, the Grassroots Motorsports and Classic Motorsports offices are still without internet and phone services. The webpages and online stores are functioning properly, but the staff is working remotely. Most of us are just getting power back at …
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Glad to hear that you all made it through safely, at least.
Yes, great to hear you survived mostly intact.
10/12/16 12:14 p.m.
You're all still above water, and breathing. We'll be here when you're back.
Joe Gearin
Associate Publisher
10/12/16 12:21 p.m.
Thanks guys!
We're all fine, but the neighborhood behind the office was hit pretty hard. Downed trees everywhere, trees being held up only by electrical wires, debris everywhere.....its a mess. The workers are doing an incredible job of clearing things, but it may take a bit, as the aftermath is pretty impressive.
Thanks for the concern. We'll be back to normal in no time! 
10/12/16 12:53 p.m.
Glad to hear everyone in the GRM family is OK. Going without power for a few days really sucks and is a miserable inconvenience, but the important thing is you made it through.
Matt B
10/12/16 4:18 p.m.
Luckily the magazines, events, memories, and of course this community are here because of people instead of buildings. I know it's got to be disheartening to see so much destruction around you, but the only thing that matters is that your ok. Damn glad to hear it.
Glad to here everyone is alright
Glad everyone is ok! Things will be back to normal soon enough.
10/12/16 4:58 p.m.
Joe Gearin wrote:
Thanks guys!
We're all fine, but the neighborhood behind the office was hit pretty hard. Downed trees everywhere, trees being held up only by electrical wires, debris everywhere.....its a mess. The workers are doing an incredible job of clearing things, but it may take a bit, as the aftermath is pretty impressive.
Thanks for the concern. We'll be back to normal in no time!
Normal? I don't know if I'd go THAT far! 
Glad to hear you guys weathered the storm okay!
On the plus side, we're pretty much setup to operate remotely as most of us now work on laptops exclusively.
Plus I have a sweet officemate this week:

(Her sister was being shy.)
In reply to David S. Wallens:
If you see any flounder as the flood water recede it has nothing to do with the rampant political discussions that commensed in the OT during everyone's absense.
(All the hanging chads are now soaked)
I'm waiting for an editorial from Tim detailing how he worked on a project car though the hurricane.
Seriously though, glad you're all OK.
Thursday update: The GRM offices are still closed. We're all telecommuting from various places.
Tim is actually out in L.A. on a sales trip. Never any rest for the weary.
Thursday lunchtime update: We have phones and internet!
Most of us are still telecommuting today, but technically the office is open.
Figure it will be business as usual tomorrow.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
So happy to hear that things are starting to get back to normal down there!
EastCoastMojo wrote:
So happy to hear that things are starting to get back to normal down there!
Lots of people got hit way worse than us. Hopefully they're back on their feet soon.
Danny Shields wrote:
In reply to David S. Wallens:
I had the same exact reaction.
jstein77 wrote:
Danny Shields wrote:
In reply to David S. Wallens:
I had the same exact reaction.
Don't let the cuteness fool you. She's a monster.
Been enjoying my office buddy this week, too. #grmdog