So, I've discovered a VPN issue. My home router doesn't like VPN, with VPN running my DL spped drops from 45-50Mbps to 2.5-3.5 Mbps. Plugging directly into the modem fixes it and I'm up to 75Mbps, but the router is on the ground floor at one end of the house and my office is in the basement at the other end. Someone here at work (full time WFH starts tomorrow) is making me up an 80' Ethernet cable right now as a temporary work around, but I may have to buy a new router, and no work wont pay. So, whats the cheapiest router that plays nice with VPN connections?
In reply to Adrian_Thompson :
my router is really unhappy with VPN over wireless. If I connect to one of the ethernet ports on it te\he VPN connection is fine. The VPNs I use generally struggle over wireless connections.
Ian F
3/19/20 2:48 p.m.
Yeah... I can VPN over WiFi for light tasks like email and web meetings, but for working I have my docking station hard wired to my router. Which is conveniently 12" away...
In other news, I have working monitors! Woohoo!

For whatever reason, I had to use a HDMI cable for the right monitor instead of a VGA cable and adapters. So now I have to go out after work and buy another HDMI cable since I stole this one from my TV setup.
In reply to Adrian_Thompson :
What router do you have? I'd just Google the issue. It should be pretty well known. There may be some settings to change, or you can load on different software that gives more control (DDWRT or similar).
In reply to Adrian_Thompson :
That's pretty common no matter the router(wireless). So much so that it's the first thing I check to make sure it's off when presented with slow speeds.
Here is the home office with all its mess/distractions. Probably one of my favorite places to hang out.

In reply to Toyman01 :
Nice camel saddle! I have one that was my father's under my desk for a foot stool.
I had a conference call/ webex meeting/ virtual tour/ component inspection a couple days ago. What follows is my log of events:
Virtual Facility Tour and Component Inspection
Time Activity
9AM- 9:09
- Shared web conference password three times, even though it was included in the invite email.
- “Everyone on?”
- “Who just joined?”
- “Hello?”
- *Feedback*
- Silence
- “This is going to be a…unique experience. Thank you.”
- Review what local time is for everyone
Technical issues sharing screens and logging in
*someone sips coffee*
Mention of bio-break
Review of who’s on the call. Missed someone. Introduced.
Missed someone else. Introduced
My kids scream and run around upstairs. Luckily I am on mute.
Clumsy technical silence
Silence continues. Fumbling noises
- “Can you guys see anything?...on my screen?
- *cough*
“Had it for a second there”
Someone’s background screen displayed- a camping tent on a mountain at sunset
All screens go blank
“Does everybody have their microphone on?”
View of a conference room on screen, showing donuts and coffee
- “Can you guys hear me?”
- “Are you on?”
- “Talk in your phone once?”
Video stuttering, beginning virtual tour. Hope no one gets motion sick.
- Multiple unexplained anime posters shown
- Video quality looks like a copy of a VHS tape
- Could be showing us an assembly area…could be my garage
Video inexplicably improves on my end
Text from coworker complaining of video quality
Text from coworker asking if anyone else’s video is frozen
Video drops out on my end
- “Is he on his phone or on his computer?”
- “Both”
- *Feedback*
- *Echo*
- *mumbles*
- “Someone needs to mute”
- “Hello? Can you hear us? We’re getting feedback”
- Inspection of component starts
Odd silence
Video drops. Flurry of texts asking if everyone else’s video is working. Somehow the guy who lives in the most isolated location has no issues.
- Blank screen
- “Come on…come on…”
- “One more time…one more time…”
Text discussion about what color the cabinet is. Looks gray to everyone except one guy, for whom it looks tan.
Vague craving to go out to eat
*land line phone rings in background*
“bio break”
Unexplained, prolonged beep
Inspection over, everyone hangs up and signs off.
In reply to volvoclearinghouse :
"Multiple unexplained anime posters shown"
If I didn't know better, I'd think that somehow my bedroom from 10 years ago was on the conference call 
In reply to Pete Gossett :
It makes for a great foot stool. The leather on mine is starting to fail unfortunately. It's embossed with a design that is pretty cool.
slowbird said:
In reply to volvoclearinghouse :
"Multiple unexplained anime posters shown"
If I didn't know better, I'd think that somehow my bedroom from 10 years ago was on the conference call 
The video quality was often such that I would not be able to rule that out as a possibility.
Ian F said:

You are supporting your monitor with a 2009 E-Series, I hope its the 3/4 ton. <rimshot>
JG Pasterjak said:
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:
In reply to JG Pasterjak :
On an average day, how many times does your desk get pooped on?
I don't track actual numbers, but I would say bringing the birds into the office to hang out increases the frequency by a good 40%.
I'm no mathologist, but that math means something or someone is pooping on your desk when the birds are not there.
day 1 of working from home: i'm gonna take this seriously.
day 5 of working from home: laying on the bed face down
On my slow VPN, I made up a really long (like 80') Ethernet to get me from the router to the computer (opposite ends of house on different floor). Unfortunately the cable was CAT 5 not CAT 6, but possibly due to the length it doesn't help at all. Still in low single digit download speeds. The Router is whatever ATT gave us free years ago. I'd like to find a cheap router (sub $100) that will work if I can.
Ian F
3/20/20 2:43 p.m.
In reply to pinchvalve :
Both monitors, actually. Volumes 1 and 2. Up to 1 ton capacity.
In reply to Adrian_Thompson :
I can't offer anything directly helpful but I'm surprised 80ft doesn't work fine. That's 1/4 the limit.
I use a powerline network adapter like this: to connect from my office to my router. Mine are cisco devices. I plugged them in 7 years ago and haven't touched them since. The only gotcha is that the two plugs have to be on the same leg of your house power, assuming you have 240AC.
Adrian_Thompson said:
On my slow VPN, I made up a really long (like 80') Ethernet to get me from the router to the computer (opposite ends of house on different floor). Unfortunately the cable was CAT 5 not CAT 6, but possibly due to the length it doesn't help at all. Still in low single digit download speeds. The Router is whatever ATT gave us free years ago. I'd like to find a cheap router (sub $100) that will work if I can.
Financial experts and leading economists have predicted 18 of the last 5 great economic downturns. The worst thing
If they gave it to you, inquire about swapping it for a newer faster one.
I have employees stuck in CA and one stuck in there house because there kids was exposed to another kids who's parents tested positive. Others have kid baby sitting issues and others I think are just using this as a way to get time off and I am ok with that as well.
So With everyone not in the office I decided to moved my big workstation home so I can join the work at home party. The reality is that I have had a home office that is plugged in to my office for years. I mostly use it for more mundane things like finance, word docs and light AutoCAD stuff. I have a need to be working on some large models so the powerhouse computer came home Friday with my collection of screens that I use with it. Last week I was the only one at my office so I figured why not just work at home.
I have worked from home since the late 1990's as I use to travel for the Engineering firm I was with. At my other company I was worked from home on average 3 days a week
I have been really lucky in that my employees have always been self starters and don't need me there to motivate them and very rarely do I need to give direction. Most of the time they use me as a sounding board for there ideas. When I am not doing boring boss things like finance and marketting and what not I am trying to find ways to help them do there jobs faster or easier and yes if I can make it more fun that also.
I am finding that at least two of my employees are actually getting much more work done working remotely. I am not sure why this is but as a company owner I have just been running with it. I am going to have to speak with them at some point if it continues this week. I think that at least one of them is afraid that they may be the first to get cut and is over compensating as I see them putting in way more hours than they should be and they are a salary employee so again I am going to have to see what is up. The other concern I have as a boss is that I don't want them getting over stressed and burning out because of everything. As a "Boss" I am always concerned about this and with things are they are now I feel I need to be extra carful about not letting my employees get over stressed and fixated on"the job". Yes I worry about these things. Like it or not my employees are my extended family. Decisions I make effects husbands/wives, kids even there pets. Being a boss is not all it is cracked up to be sometimes. I am not sure people get that.
I am lucky as I have a good amount of backup $$$$ in the company so there is no worries. I have sent an email to everyone telling them not to worry about payroll but still I see that some really are. Maybe it is more that there spouses jobs are less stable and they need both incomes. As the boss you have to walk the line of knowing what is going on so if you can you can help and not prying to much.
Anyway just my ramblings. Maybe it will give those that are employees a look in to the world of what your boss / company owners is dealing with at the moment.
Home office photo will be later today once I get things set up adding 3 monitors to my desk (really on old dining room table) is going to be an issue.