As part of the new Classic Motorsports site launch, we're going to experience a short amount of downtime at
At 5:00, we'll be taking the site down to migrate to a new server. Other than a DNS change on the back end, you shouldn't see any changes to this site while we move. If you create a post at 4:59, it might get lost in the move but otherwise we don't anticipate any trouble on this side of the fence.
The switch will be turned back on within a few minutes, but the actual time will be inaccessible will vary by region. East coast North America will likely only be out for a few minutes, Australians/Asia-Pacific users will have the longest wait (figure maybe 2 hours) so I apologize to those down under and far east.
oh dear god NOOOOO!!!!!!!
Per Schroeder
Technical Editor/Advertising Director
10/24/11 2:36 p.m.
That's it, I'm canceling my subscription to this website.
That's a typically low-usage time slot (other than being on a Monday) and I PROMISE to be as fast as possible.
I'm missing my Yoga class (otherwise known as group hottie oggling) and Forza 4 time to put this at the most reasonable time possible with our web developer availability. Furreal, it's the best I could do...
I might experience withdrawal symptoms.
oh noes teh sky haz a falling
OMG, that means I have to browse CL during my afternoon tea break.
HaHa!! I knew there was a reason I lived on the east coast. 
Good luck with the transfer. Hope it goes smoothly.
When does the new GRM site launch? 
Tom Heath wrote:
That's a typically low-usage time slot (other than being on a Monday) and I PROMISE to be as fast as possible.
I'm missing my Yoga class (otherwise known as group hottie oggling) and Forza 4 time to put this at the most reasonable time possible with our web developer availability. Furreal, it's the best I could do...
This is why your corporate overlords should be lobbied vehemently to assign you an intern of the hotty co ed persuasion, to help with the ,you know,"work load".
its cool by me, I will be eating tortilla soup by then anyway
Will there be a whole new GRM Website Experience waiting on the other side?
Toyman01 wrote:
HaHa!! I knew there was a reason I lived on the east coast.
Good luck with the transfer. Hope it goes smoothly.
When does the new GRM site launch?
New GRM should hit close to the first of the year. Sooner if I can make it, later if we can't. I think we found most of the secrets by re-doing the CMS site first, and we'll get to ahem...enjoy some user feedback before we do anything final to the GRM site.
The basic structure isn't changing much in the big picture, but navigation and display should be vastly improved. There were also a lot of stability improvements that let some of the existing functions work more easily from both the user's perspective and for me as an administrator.
Oh, and a CAPTCHA for new user signups, but that may have to wait until the GRM new GRM site is live. Fingers crossed, kiddies!
In reply to Tom Heath:
So what you're saying is the guys on the other side of the isle (CMS) get to be the guinea pigs.

10/24/11 3:58 p.m.
Plans tonight:
-buy beer
-drink beer
-attempt break the new CMS site.
You know, stress testing.
Except for the beer, those are my plans as well. There are some features that I will need to populate too, but I don't want to say too much yet...
Hmmmmm, still here. Guess Tom just wanted us all to leave so he could have the site to himself. 
10/24/11 4:02 p.m.
^ What he said. I was like "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo!!!!" and then realized, I could probably do something productive. Like spend more time...playing GT5! Yeah, that's it, wife won't mind at all!
this feels like waiting for Y2K to happen
MrJoshua wrote:
Hmmmmm, still here. Guess Tom just wanted us all to leave so he could have the site to himself.
Not so, but these posts will likely be lost in the transition. It's like a time can re-post as if they never happened...
Funk this! I pay good money to rant and rave on this forum. Where else am I going to post pointless pictures and HAVE INNANE CONVERSATION IN ALL CAPS ABOUT MY OPINIONS!?
outages are teh suck.
I'm making Tom a Phil Collins mix tape, for revenge or affection. I'm not sure.