I’m glad to see your having fun with the snow as well. I got about 3 feet on Saturday and I am supposedly getting another 1-2 feet more tonight. They have already canceled school for tomorrow so I am going to dig out and go to play in the snow with the GTI. I know of a few nice gravel back roads through light woods out in the country. I haven’t gotten to drive the Miata lately because azenis and snow don’t seem to mix very well.
Brust wrote:
Funny, just moved to Arlington last fall. Everyone says it hardly snows and here I am stuck under 30" and counting. My WRX is on UHP summer tires, my M3 is on extreme summer tires, my MG is on all seasons, and all are buried. I moved the MG out of the garage so at least I could work on the boy's cyclekart. Pictures of (buried) M3 and 69 Midget to follow.
Yeah I was one of those people. Honestly though. The big ones were sometime in the mid 80's, 1996, 2003 and now 2010. Every 5 - 10 years doesnt necessitate a 4WD. Even in 1996 and 2003 my Dad didn't miss work. Apparently a Buick Century and some all seasons were all someone who grew up in Wisconsin needed to get around. Momentum is key and dont stop in the deep stuff. I remember driving that Buick in 03 and not being able to open the doors after parking it. Still made it out just fine.
Now you will probably have another 5-10 years before you see more than a foot at a time.
2/10/10 12:40 a.m.
Greg Voth wrote:
Brust wrote:
Funny, just moved to Arlington last fall. Everyone says it hardly snows and here I am stuck under 30" and counting. My WRX is on UHP summer tires, my M3 is on extreme summer tires, my MG is on all seasons, and all are buried. I moved the MG out of the garage so at least I could work on the boy's cyclekart. Pictures of (buried) M3 and 69 Midget to follow.
Yeah I was one of those people. Honestly though. The big ones were sometime in the mid 80's, 1996, 2003 and now 2010. Every 5 - 10 years doesnt necessitate a 4WD. Even in 1996 and 2003 my Dad didn't miss work. Apparently a Buick Century and some all seasons were all someone who grew up in Wisconsin needed to get around. Momentum is key and dont stop in the deep stuff. I remember driving that Buick in 03 and not being able to open the doors after parking it. Still made it out just fine.
Now you will probably have another 5-10 years before you see more than a foot at a time.
+1. I never understand why people make such a big deal about having a vehicle that can go in snow. Really, are the streets paved with it all the time? They do plow it you know. I figure, using 5 years of driving history, that in an average Chicago winter there are 5 days that you will have trouble. Go in late to work, don't go at all, or get a ride... but don't make it dictate your car choice.
Now the potholes that we get because of the constant freeze thaw and refreeze, thats a different story... those potholes will be fixed just in time to do it all again.
As a counterpoint, hooning a bit in my mothers Impreza was fun last night 
2/10/10 10:56 a.m.
The worst of it was that I moved from Hawaii to here for work. The Subaru was the only vehicle that has moved since Saturday. I'm not built for this stuff.
2/10/10 11:10 a.m.
The Tranny Shop.
(i used to pull/rebuild trannies for a living)
4l60 FTL!
I just saw the we, here in Baltimore City, are in a Phase III Snow Emergency. No Vehicles on the roads unless you are an emergancy type or you have a plow strapped to the front of it.
In reply to CamaroKeith:
I live in Glen burnie and I just came from being outside on the road. They suck. Thank GOD for my 4runner. Never gets stuck and I was going thru some deep stuff
. Tried to have some fun in an empty parking lot but the misses was scared
. I wonder what will happen when I start autocrossing this spring and she wants to ride for a lap?
a few new ones from my scenic country road drive this morning...

That snow would look bitchin' on fire.