In reply to TeamEvil:
"Fast and Loud" is neither fast, ain't seen one yet, or loud, unless you are talking about that annoying shiny happy person "owner". Completely unwatchable, not related to reality, garbage TV. If you want piss and moan drama, go watch a professional ball and stick sport.
No, I am not connected to GYC or been admitted and released from a mental institution.
We will have to agree to disagree.
TeamEvil wrote:
Well, for some horrible reason I surfed past this suck-assed show again last night looking for any new premiers that might be on, As I whisked on by the little fatty was in a go-kart . . . SO lame ! ! ! Looked like Magilla Gorilla in it. They're evidently STILL trying to figure out what a wrench actually does.
Just now Googled "graveyard carz sucks" and it seems that the entire world has spoken and agrees . . . .
PLEASE tell me these touch-holes have been cancelled ! ? ! ? ! ? ! ? ! ?
Oh, dean1484 . . . that's the best idea for a "reality show" yet ! ! !
after seeing this thread I decided to see what it was about and caught it at pretty much the same point...the go cart scene. I couldn't watch for seriously looks like an 8th graders "TV" project...the quality is horrible. I didn't watch long enough to anything relating to cars....does that even happen on this show?
Wondering just what part of the most recent, or any other crap-filled episode did you find enjoyable ? ! ? ! ?
Was it the fat man in the go kart?
The lame dick getting a message?
Or the two measuring a seventeen year old crash scene where NOTHING still corresponded to the original terrain?
Don't you AT LEAST expect ONE of those dicks to pick up a wrench at SOME point in the program?
I mean SERIOUSLY, different opinions set aside, I'm stumped to find any one thing that was worth watching or even directly related to resurrecting a crashed/damaged automobile.
LOVE to learn a lesson. Gimme SOMETHING to hold onto here? Name ONE scene that captivated you ? ! ? ! ? ! ? It was the one where the fat little E36 M3 started to pout and went out to sit on top of all of the cars that were STILL waiting to be repaired, wasn't it? That ass-wipe sure can pout, huh? Wonder if he knows which end of the ratcket the socket attaches to . . . he hasn't shown anything as yet? Can't berkeleyin' BELIEVE that they were renewed.
" I didn't watch long enough to anything relating to cars....does that even happen on this show? "
Now THAT'S pretty much the question of the thread ! ! ! Other than when fatso spray bombed an un-primed valve cover, NO. They never work on anything really! They just wander around complaining while the fat one pouts (an UGLY look for him) and complains the most.
It's the subtle things, like finding out that a numbers matching block can DOUBLE the asking price for a particular car, even if the old block costs 20k to get back. I would have never knew of some of the subtle trim changes like the one of the gauges being a different black changed in mid model year. The differences in original to reproduction parts and how to change them to "original". He is in the biz to make 100pt resto's, not some hacked up corner lot POS not worth its weight in scrap.
Do I like the fluff? No. But it sure easy to ignore to watch all the other things you are clearly missing out on.
OK then, I totally agree with you there ! !
The fluff is the worst on television, the details are worth knowing, but there aren't NEARLY enough of those to balance out the dreck.
"He is in the biz to make 100pt resto's"
I'd just love to see some of those restos going on, you know? The title and premise, the whole idea of it being a restoration based "reality" show is SO undermined by the foolishness that you gotta admit, other than a three minute moment of him holding a bit or bob and talking for the briefest moment about it's origin and/or importance, the rest is completely overwhelming by absolute idiocy performed by really un-photogenic fools ! !
Judging the fat one by his on-screen persona, it wouldn't be surprising to find that he won't allow a restoration to be filmed because he doesn't want anyone to either learn his secrets or see his work quality.
A 100 point restorations does NOT include spray bombed valve covers. And if that was just for the camera, shame on him. He wasted the viewer's time and displayed horrible restoration procedure.
So far there on the entire series, there has only been enough decent info to fill a half hour program, the rest is like watching the monkey cage. It REALLY is, you gotta admit? Too much of the same lame formula done worse than any other program out there.
For Mopar fans, this show needs new "actors" performing real restoration. Those guys are really getting the short stick here.
TeamEvil wrote:
A 100 point restorations does NOT include spray bombed valve covers. And if that was just for the camera, shame on him. He wasted the viewer's time and displayed horrible restoration procedure.
How you even seen a survivor Mopar? What he did was COMMONPLACE back then. It isn't a quarter panel, it is a damn valve cover, geeez.
Again, we will have to agree to disagree. You can watch your crap tv and I will watch mine.
So . . . you really DID like watching the back of a berkeleyin' computer for fifteen minutes while dumb and dumber did an internet search looking for someone to chrome pot metal ? ! ? ! ? ! ?
I mean, REALLY ? ? That was intended as one of the tech parts of the show. COME ON ! ! ! !
Watching a REAL TIME internet search from the back side of the computer ! ! ! ! ! !
There's no AY that you aren't kidding me, no WAY.
What he did WASN'T commonplace back then, MOPAR painted their engines with automotive paint at the factory NOT spray bombs. They were hung from the assembly line and painted one after the next. Gaskets and all, everything covered in AUTOMOTIVE paint ! ! !
You're the one who brought up their 100 point restorations . . . they NEVER include a spray bomb, really.
You really do intrigue me ! ! ! I can't imagine watching that program. That you do and truly enjoy it is remarkable. It would be wonderful to sit down, have lunch or a beverage, and really talk about this. It would be fascinating to me, love to hear the ins and out of it, you know? Stuff like this is just SO interesting, you obviously see something that I'm COMPLETELY missing here.
Agree to disagree, but still wondering . . . you know? Still very much wondering.
After reading all the negative reviews, my curiosity was piqued, so I watched it a few minutes ago. It was so bad, I turned it off after about 5 minutes. Absolute trash.
TeamEvil wrote:
So . . . you really DID like watching the back of a berkeleyin' computer for fifteen minutes while dumb and dumber did an internet search looking for someone to chrome pot metal ? ! ? ! ? ! ?
I mean, REALLY ? ? That was intended as one of the tech parts of the show. COME ON ! ! ! !
Watching a REAL TIME internet search from the back side of the computer ! ! ! ! ! !
There's no AY that you aren't kidding me, no WAY.
What he did WASN'T commonplace back then, MOPAR painted their engines with automotive paint at the factory NOT spray bombs. They were hung from the assembly line and painted one after the next. Gaskets and all, everything covered in AUTOMOTIVE paint ! ! !
You're the one who brought up their 100 point restorations . . . they NEVER include a spray bomb, really.
You really do intrigue me ! ! ! I can't imagine watching that program. That you do and truly enjoy it is remarkable. It would be wonderful to sit down, have lunch or a beverage, and really talk about this. It would be fascinating to me, love to hear the ins and out of it, you know? Stuff like this is just SO interesting, you obviously see something that I'm COMPLETELY missing here.
Agree to disagree, but still wondering . . . you know? Still very much wondering.
This will be my last post on this because you are going to have either a heart attack or brain aneurysm avoiding what I am explaining to you. The factory did not PRIME the damn valve cover, k? That is what I am or was trying to convey. I don't care if the paint came out his ears to cover the paint the cover. It is painted the same way the factory did it, WITHOUT PRIMER. There are many ways to skin this cat on how to assemble a 100pt engine to put in between the fenders, just because he doesn't do it the "factory" way makes it wrong? Please get a grip back on your shrinking reality.
No, Darin and whathisfacesoninlaw were looking for a dipper on the 71 Cuda. Clearly, you are uninterested in the show, why do you keep watching and commenting?
I can't remember where I read this, but it was on the net, that he has tried for 5 yrs to get this show on TV. What you want out of this show, you won't get because the networks are saying that show doesn't sell. So, what else are you going to do to get it on air?
No, I don't know. I don't think I have minced any words into a slurry of confusion, you know? I don't think I have wavered from the point of view I find something different to the show then you and I enjoy it, have I?
Whew . . . good, he's GONE !
Now I've got this rant ALL to myself.
I'll start slow and small, just in case he comes back. Don't wanna confuse him.
100point cars are EXACTLY as they left the berkeleyinfactory ! ! ! That's how they get awarded the 100 points for E36 M3sake. Primer or NOT, you can't use spray bomb any where near gasoline (like in the carb and fuel lines and filter) 'cause it'll wash right off. It will dull and streak if you use engine cleaner on it, and disappear if carb cleaner or starting fluid hits it was well. A little over spray of either hitting the covers, which is honestly more than likely, and you got bare metal on that supposed 100 pointer.
If that fat berkeleyin' fool hits the valve covers with a spray bomb, the 100point paint will wash away. Plain and simple. He's a hack to even consider it . . .
I know, I know . . . small insignificant point that I'm making, but his expertise is the basis of the show. They research the car and return them to factory perfection. IMPOSSIBLE with a four dollar can of Mopar Orange Dupli-Color spray paint ! ! ! !
REGARDLESS, of what they were on the computer for, (and NO I didn't really pay any attention to that foolishness) there were fifteen minutes of the berkeleyin' BACK of a computer screen ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Am I the only one in the world that doesn't find this fascinating ? ! ? ! ? The BACK, the E36 M3ty plastic back side of a computer while the two idiots imitated the fat one. Then. THANKberkeleyINGOD ! ! ! They found someone that would dip metal and guarantee no metal loss. I was SO tense due to their difficulty, I was SO engrossed in the show at that point that the commercial break was a relief ! ! ! !
I'm staggered that this trash dump is on the air. Honestly beyond reason, absolutely amazed at what I see there.
He IS still gone right? Good, 'cause I got a lot more . . . a LOT more.
Why can't we get good shows over here like 'Wheeler Dealers'?
We don't even get this channel here.
Glad to say, I have never heard of this, have no idea what channel it is on and probably don't have that channel any way.
Besides, when I rearranged the TV set up for our new Blu Ray(Mrs. neons B-day), I had to disconnect the Dish cable, it wouldn't reach.
With all this talk on this show, part of me wants to watch it and see just how long I can stand it.
Yeah, it kinda seems like a challenge at this point.
9/24/12 9:45 a.m.
I didn't think chrysler primed anything......I wonder if recycling a bunch of 80's datsun, toyotas, and hondas into new stampings for old mopar panels would raise the value some more......It'd have more originality to them 
The million dollar mopar market ended when it started.....driven by hype.
As far as the tv show, its garbage......just like everything else on tv. My advice, get netflix, or get out and enjoy the day.
Carro Atrezzi wrote:
Why can't we get good shows over here like 'Wheeler Dealers'?
I swore wheelers dealers off for a while when they used a spray can to paint the 1/4 of a porsche 944. I just recently started watching again. Some of the episodes are pretty decent. I've got to say I hated the color they painted that 4 door 57 Chevy.....that was one nasty shade of yellow.
9/24/12 6:42 p.m.
At least Ted Vernon seems to be a decent guy (South Beach Classics)
Not in the exact same vein of reality car shows, but don't forget Fifth Gear from the BBC is coming to Velocity. I can't wait for that one. Not as goofy as Top Gear, definitely more enthusiast focused.
I give any car show a try and have tried to watch Graveyard Carz. I keep waiting for it to grow on me but its like a puke green 1975 AMC Hornet. I don't think I will ever like this show. Love the Mopars , hate the attempts at humor. The guys may have high IQs but they are not funny. I just want to see them fix up the Mopars.
Fast and Loud is a far better show and way more entertaining and honest.
Any car/truck restoration show where the episodes can best be described as " the pumpkin carving episode" is crap from the get-go. I've given this far too many chances.
Heck, the producers could take some cues from Animal Planets "Tanked". It's 10 times the show Graveyard Carz is and is far more watchable... And it's a show about FISH TANKS for goodness sakes!
JohnInKansas wrote:
Slightly off topic:
I watched an episode of "Fast 'n Loud" this weekend; among other things, the guy sold a Willys gasser shell.
Found myself shouting at the TV "ITS PRONOUNCED 'WILLEES', NOT 'WILLIS' YOU BERKERS". Seriously, everyone on the show (announcer included) pronounced it Willis.
I'm not mistaken, am I?
Ditto on the pronunciation of Porsche as either Porsh or Porshu even though it's been addressed countless times by actual Porsche company officials. It will never end.
Oh ya. GC does suck. They never actually do anything but insult each other. Stay clear.
TeamEvil wrote: And if that was just for the camera, shame on him. He wasted the viewer's time and displayed horrible restoration procedure.
Apparently there was one of these Hot Rod TV shows where they're assembling a drivetrain before putting it in the car.
So they have the engine sitting there, with the torque converter bolted to the flexplate, and they're lining up the transmission to stuff over it.
The thing I take away is this. You watch a show about a subject you're knowledgeable in, and see glaring error after error after error. With that in mind, how much can you trust shows about subjects you're not conversant in, now? How many things are they getting wrong that you may accept as valid?
Knurled wrote:
The thing I take away is this. You watch a show about a subject you're knowledgeable in, and see glaring error after error after error. With that in mind, how much can you trust shows about subjects you're *not* conversant in, now? How many things are they getting wrong that you may accept as valid?
How dare you start making fun of PowerBlockTV!!!!!!
Because that is how that poor Turbo400 episode on Xtreme4x4 was for me..... Way too many steps skipped or glossed over to effectively be used as a basis towards rebuild/modification.

Maybe it's just me but I'd rather watch an hour of slightly edited video of changing out motor mounts on a Buick Le Sabre than some of the stuff I see in these shows.