ebonyandivory wrote:
IMO Mark Worman is just trying hard to be funny and entertain people and is very passionate about Mopars.
I don't think for one minute that he's the guy that Jesse James tries way too hard to be.
This is the persona that I have read about him. He is a really good guy and that everything for the most part we see on TV is contrived drama. The show lost me a year or more back when we spent half of it driving around with him in a pick up looking for a Christmas present for someone.
There is a huge opportunity for the show to teach us non mopar guys a thing or three about these cars but instead I have learned nada from the attempts I have made to watch the show.
12/18/14 9:59 a.m.
In reply to dean1484:
You shouldn't have to watch the show to know the only thing you should have known about mopars........crush 'em. 
12/18/14 10:04 a.m.
The commercial for the show also annoys me to no end. I mean what does some stupid windup punch have to do with mopars? Aggravating..
In reply to Cotton:
Velocity makes me nuts! Those moments are a small part of the show (not small enough for me though but still) but the ads are on ever three minutes.
I still wish there was much more how-to content but there's much less crap than in the beginning.
But again, Velocity and their incessant repetition of ads makes me switch to the "How It's Made" Saltine Cracker episode.
Their stupid ad editing makes Wayne Carinni look like a clown too.
yamaha wrote:
In reply to dean1484:
You shouldn't have to watch the show to know the only thing you should have known about mopars........crush 'em.
Merry Christmas to you too Yammy.
I've been trying to watch the last season. Tivo makes it easier. A friend of a friend has a car out there now to be restored. I was unimpressed with how they were handling the car on the air. The car's owner was pretty upset too.
12/18/14 12:04 p.m.
Rob_Mopar wrote:
yamaha wrote:
In reply to dean1484:
You shouldn't have to watch the show to know the only thing you should have known about mopars........crush 'em.
Merry Christmas to you too Yammy.
Happy Kwanza to you Robbie 
12/18/14 1:29 p.m.
In reply to Rob_Mopar:
My one wish is that when people restore these things, that they actually take the time to do it right. Out of about 150-200 vintage mopars I've driven at mecum, everything worked in precisely 3 of them. 
I still want a '68 Barracuda 383/4sp car....but here, they all rusted away and were turned into those 70-80's toyotas that rusted on the dealers' lot.
In reply to yamaha:
I know what you mean. There's a car in these parts that went through one of the summer auctions. It was pretty, but probably needs a 100 or so hours sorting it out before it's a usable car again. A flipper shop has it now so the cycle continues...
If any of my Barracuda friends decide to part with one of their '68 383 4-speed cars I'll be sure to taunt you with it. 

12/18/14 2:43 p.m.
One of the things that really irritates me about most of these car shows or reality shows in general is the recapping or repeating the same footage of the program you just watched after every commercial. Its an insult to one's intelligence to think viewers can't remember what happened on the show just a couple of minutes prior. I suppose it is also a way to cut back actual content and save money or maybe strech two shows content into three shows But between the commercials recaps after them there can't be anymore then 18 to 20 minutes of actual new contenet in a half hour show!
" . . . there can't be anymore then 18 to 20 minutes of actual new contenet in a half hour show!"
I think that you're being generous.
12/18/14 3:40 p.m.
TeamEvil wrote:
" . . . there can't be anymore then 18 to 20 minutes of actual new contenet in a half hour show!"
I think that you're being generous.
Yeah, that sounds exaggerated by at least 10-15 minutes. Didn't they hire some lady to do nothing last season? What was up with that?