So apparently the average registered US car is 12.6 years old. How do us GRMers compare?
As MOST Americans are not car enthusiasts and a majority of those cars are just daily transportation we should only include the one car you drive the most as transportation, not projects. If you have a few daily driver just transportation focused vehicles feel free to do the math for both.
So how do we do this? We want the average age based on everyone who participates. So you need to take the total age of vehicles divided by the number of vehicles being included.
So whenever someone posts they post their cars year, the age in years, increment the sum of years, and the count of cars, then calculate the average.
I'll Go first. I daily a 2018 Hyundai Elantra I bought new. It is almost exactly 7 years old.
2018 / 7 YO - Sum 7 Years / 1 Car - 7 years average age.
I'll include my Tundra to show how the math will work for the next person
2003 Toyota Tundra - 22 years old.
2003 / 22 YO - Sum 29 Years / 2 Cars - 14.5 years average age.
Hopefully that's clear-ish on what to do... Will be interesting to see if we are above or below average.
I am still currently daily and 95 Silverado which is 30 years old now and my wife Daly's and 08 Mazda 5 which is 17. The two combined is 47 and 47 / 2 is 23 1/2
You were supposed to add them to mine
1995 / 30 YO - Sum 59 Years / 3 Cars - 19.67 years average age.
2008 / 17 YO - Sum 76 Years / 4 Cars - 19.0 years average age.
The normal drivers/utility vehicles are:
2021 Miata - 4yo
2020 Chrysler Minivan - 5yo
2005 Chrysler Minivan - 20yo
2000 Chevy k2500 - 25yo
If I include my 1994 track car (you said not to) it grows to 17.
We're probably toward the older end of the range. Currently my daily is the 2001 E38 740i, so coming up on 24 years (build date is July 2001). SWMBO's DD is currently a 2005 Camry, so just about 20 years.
2/4/25 11:19 a.m.
I have an 11 Outback 14 years old. My wife is now retired so she only drives her 23 Santa Fe a couple of days a week. If we combine those two I have a 7.5 avg.
If we do every car at the house I have a 23 average for 6 cars. Also note everything I have is running.
2021 / 4 YO - Sum 80 Years / 5 Cars - 16 years average age.
2020 / 5 YO - Sum 85 Years / 6 Cars - 14.16 years average age.
2005 / 20 YO - Sum 105 Years / 7 Cars - 15 years average age.
2000 / 25 YO - Sum 130 Years / 8 Cars - 16.5 years average age.
2001 / 24 YO - Sum 154 Years / 9 Cars - 17.11 years average age.
2005 / 20 YO - Sum 174 Years / 10 Cars - 17.4 years average age.
2011 / 14 YO - Sum 188 Years / 11 Cars - 17.09 years average age.
2023 / 2 YO - Sum 190 Years / 12 Cars - 15.83 years average age.
OOoh, whoops.. I missed the game part. Sorry about that and thanks for correcting it NOCones.
Now I am intrigued about how high our Age sum will get. in 12 cars we are already close to 200 years.. Will we make it to predate the Byzantine empire?
2023 / 2 YO - Sum 192 / 13 Cars - 14.77 years average age.
2008 / 17 YO - Sum 209 / 14 Cars - 14.93 years average age.
Did I do it right??
In reply to singleslammer :
2/4/25 11:36 a.m.
2012 / 13 YO - Sum 222 / 15 cars - 14.8
Look at me dragging down the average, as usual
Check my math- This is the 4th time I got ready to post,only to find someone else already had, and I needed to recalculate.
Me: 1994 Dajiban
Ms Warship: 2010 Prius
1994 / 31YO Sum 253 years/16 Cars- 15.81 years average
2010 / 15YO Sum 268 years/17 Cars- 15.76 years average
Myself? I recently bought a brand-new SUV for my DD so presently the age is at <1. Add in the wife's and average them and we're at ~4 years.
My other vehicles are not daily drivers.
I'll give this a try with my 2 dailys, LS430 for 3 seasons of the year and the 88 Honda Accord winter beater
2003 Lexus LS430
2003 / 22 = 22
1988 Honda
1988 / 37
So 37 + 22 = 59 / 2 = 34.5?
4 cars 2024, 2022, 2008, 2005...
1+3+17+20 = 41 / 4 = 10.25 years
if I just include the dailys than 22 and 24 for a total of 4 / 2 = 2 years
In reply to HotNotch :
So after your two cars we get
327y / 19c = 17.21 average age.
My daily- 1991 Ram 50, so 327y+34y= 361y
Now at 20 vehicles, which gives us:
361y / 20c = 18.05 years for average vehicle age.
I hope everybody is just adding their daily drivers.
If they aren't, I can add in 20 more from my fleet and really lift the average age. 
I have only one DD and it's 9 years old.
Mrs' DD is 3, so the household average is 6
Limiting to dailies, 2002 is the average year so 22 years old.
I have a 2023 Maverick and a 2006 Mazda5 for daily driver duties. So, 10.5
Fun cars would push it older...
In the market for another daily. Looked at a 98 Lincoln town car last night that only had 55k on it, but passing as it's sat for a decade and needs too much attention from it for daily duties.
Following Recon1342's addition of ClearWaterMS we are at
Mine: 2016/9 and 2002/23 that I split pretty equally we get:
371.25 + 9+23 = 403.25y
403.25y/26c= 15.51y
I'm not including the other drivers in the household, because nocones didn't. And they are not on GRM.
We have 3 cars that we currently rotate as DDs - a Miata, a Jeep Commander, and a G35. All three happen to be from 2006 (19yo). So following the game format,