The past several days I've been on here more than usual; because I've been involved in zoom calls were I may or may not be called on as a subject matter expert.
Typically with my ADD I have trouble staying I come here for the mind numbing portion of the meeting.
It's shameless I know but it works!
Oooo I'm up next gotta go.........................
In reply to Tom1200 :
You are not the only one, posting from a meeting where I might only speak once an hour now 😂
" I come here for the mind numbing portion of the meeting."
I do the same thing.
There's a reason why there are so many memes and gifs featuring the movie Office Space or the TV show The Office, that have the words "this meeting could have been an email" or similar.
Hang in there.
My camera is centered over the screen that displays GRM, not the display with the meeting......Yep, I'm looking right at all of you.