I bought these universal double-locking seat sliders plus side mount brackets a while back and haven’t been able to ID them.
The seller said they were Bride Japan (I’m 99% sure they’re not) and that he had them in his AE86. I’m also pretty certain the rails and brackets may not have originally come together, but it is safe to say he probably had them bolted into his AE86 Toyota.
They look a lot like Corbeau, but gave this mystery logo stamped in them:

Anyone recognize it?

Here’s the whole enchilada.
Looks like a Sparco track set with (maybe) Evo2 brackets?
Dunno about the side mount brackets, but the sliders themselves are definitely cheapo Jeg's/Summit/O'Reilly's "racing seat" parts. You know, the vinyl "leather" ones with belt holes, usually black with red stitching for about $100.
I bought a set of TR7 sliders from TR8Todd last(?) year, and they look a lot like this one, minus the brackets. Not sure about the logo though.
Definitely not Brides. The Bride logo is a ghost.
The logo reminds me of the Enkei logo, but doubt the deal in seat sliders.
Out of curiosity... does it matter? Arent the majority of aftermarket sliders identical to those (dimensionally) at this point?
Thanks for the ideas so far! I’m second-guessing on the Bride claim after reading that their rails are made for them by Faurecia in France, and seeing this:
ProDarwin, to answer your question, no, it doesn’t matter for using them as long as the dimensions work, and the reality is that many of them might even be from the same couple of factories. 
The reason I’m asking is that I’m not going to use them, so I want to market them correctly to resell for maximum value. If they are Bride, I mark them up and plaster the Toyota and Nissan forums/groups. If they are Recaro, I mark them up and plaster the VAG and BMW forums/groups. Sparco? Maybe test my luck with the Fiat/Alfa dudes, but might night realize as much money. If they are Summit Racing, I’ll go for the domestic crowd and sell for a bit less. If I know they are NRG Innovations, I just hope not to lose on them and toss them on Craigslist with a few keywords like Honda Civic, Chevy Cobalt, and racecar.