Zomby woof wrote:
fastoldfart wrote:
And the ugliest cars of its' era:
1977 AMC Matador Barcelona The only thing uglier than the outside was the Tijuana bordello interior.
I've been saying this for 35 years.
I think the problem is, thanks to AMC-grade rot, few modern enthusiasts have ever seen one of these things in person.
Photos do NOT do these justice. They are absolutely hideous. The front, the sides, the back, the way they sloop down too much in the rear, the way they have tons of overhang and fender overhang like they're a midsize car on a compact car's frame... The Matador has no alibi.
fastoldfart wrote:
And the ugliest cars of its' era:
1977 AMC Matador Barcelona The only thing uglier than the outside was the Tijuana bordello interior.
I can think of a few lemons themes for that...

Knurled wrote:
JamesMcD wrote:
nicksta43 wrote:
My vote is anything from the eighty's. Nothing good ever came from the eighty's.
How can you say that about a decade which gave us Phil Collins' No Jacket Required?
And Metallica's *Master of Puppets*, Slayer's *Reign in Blood*, and Jim Cameron's *The Terminator*.
And you know what ELSE came from the 80s? Uh-huh. That's right. *Miata*.
(I bet you thought I was going to say Hitler. I'm sorry, but Hitler is not the answer to everything.)
I was speaking about automotive design, not horrible music and movies. Miata may be fun to drive and well balanced and all but pretty it aint.
Those Renaults are all pretty ugly.
They have definite beauty of purpose, rather like the Xenomorph, but graceful lines they ain't.
(And Dear God! I recognize three of those cars - R5, the Clio V6 thingy, and the Alpine... but that other one up there looks like a DeLorean and Max Rockatansky's Interceptor made sweet, sweet love, had twins, and that was the ugly one that the breeder tried unsuccessfully to drown.)
Those renaults are gorgeous!!
That's an Alpine GTA.
I agree they aren't particularly graceful but they are far from the ugliest cars. I guess I just have strange perceptions of a good looking car (not that I didn't already know that).
2/28/12 9:19 p.m.
I'm not sure how this thread got more than 3 posts in before this was posted

OH, and the Riv is beautiful. And I'm a GM-hater.
And anything that is a "ute" is hideous.
This thread has inspired a few craigslist searches!
2/28/12 10:45 p.m.
Boattail Riv hater? YG2bFK Me! Chic cruiser.
2/28/12 10:50 p.m.
Fit_Is_Slo wrote:
This thread has inspired a few craigslist searches!
I went straight to Hemmings to look for Rivs!
That Alpine GTA has a certain flair. I think it goes on another list. Certainly not the best looking, certainly not the worst looking, but maybe on the most interesting list.
Being Renault and being of that era I am sure it is pure crap underneath, but think about if it had been built in another country and maybe a few years later. That could have been very interesting indeed.
Gentlemen, prepare to bask in the aura of my knowledge of automotive obscurity.
I give you the 1934 - 1936 Praga Super Piccolo:

This thread is strangely harder to come up with material for than the beautiful car thread...
My submission, as always:

The newest MS3. The many-toothed smile. The horrible amorphous headlights. The overly-sized hood scoop. The taillights that bulge out past the edge of the car. The hood looks too high, because it ends above where the door/window line is. The wheels are nowhere near as good as the ones on the original MS3. The back end is terrible, too- the taillights had to have been penned by a drunk armadillo. It's a horrible car.
Close second:

Someone spilled ink on a notepad at Porsche, and then decided to keep it that way. The blob car. That somehow had it's end cut off.
Awesome on paper, does things it shouldn't be able too, very well. But is fugly. Admit it. The black grille reminds me of the pig it is.

How bout the 2nd tiburon design?

For American made cars, think that Dart is one of the tops. But open it up to the world market and some other remarkably ugly cars enter the fray.
From the first moment I saw it, I've always thought the Mitsuoka Orochi was the #1 ugly car. I still can't believe it's a real production car. Complete with customers who buy it.

Another is the Weber. Another real productio car. I cant belive they took their styling clues from a Poniac G6.

Add RVs to the mix, and you have to bring this...thing into the picture. Not sure if it's real, but I think it actually is.

icaneat50eggs wrote:
just to go the other way, what do you think is the ugliest cars ever foisted upon the public by auto companies. Please limit to stock offerings, we all know that kits can go to places that defy any definition of taste. Sorry if we list one of your cars.
I'll start
71 buick riviera
60 thunderturd
Can't say I agree. In fact, I totally disagree. I think both of these cars are very good looking, especially the Riv.
Twin_Cam wrote:
This thread is strangely harder to come up with material for than the beautiful car thread...
My submission, as always:
The newest MS3. The many-toothed smile. The horrible amorphous headlights. The overly-sized hood scoop. The taillights that bulge out past the edge of the car. The hood looks too high, because it ends above where the door/window line is. The wheels are nowhere near as good as the ones on the original MS3. The back end is terrible, too- the taillights had to have been penned by a drunk armadillo. It's a horrible car.
Ouch. That's the car that's at the very top of my shopping list when get a new-to-me DD next year. A bit over the top, but I kinda like it.
I agree this list is hard to think of things, because I like almost all cars. But if I have to pick, there are two.

And sorry, I know I'll take heat, and I know it's a good performance car, but I never liked the big eyed thing...

Those Renaults are not ugly!
bastomatic wrote:
How bout the 2nd tiburon design?
I owned a first gen.. that car was pretty.. the 2nd gen, while the same basic car, lost all of the 1st gen's subtle looks. What I always thought was funny, the 2nd gen was MORE popular
In reply to icaneat50eggs:
The boat-tail Riv is one of my favorite personal luxury car. When I was a teen, I knew a guy with a Stage 1 455 Riv. Quite a ride.