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malibuguy GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
10/25/21 9:10 a.m.

2 of my cars are gaining value in general, plus with modifications I want to protect my investments.  

Both currently on liability thru StateFarm and have a modest cost, lets say X

I did a Hagerty quote and they quoted a little above X but with alot more coverage.

I did a Grundy quote and its about 1/3rd X...

Nearly seems too good to be true for Grundy.  Ive had Hagerty before (about 5 years ago) with some other cars and did not particularly care for the 50% price hike for the following year plus loss of services.  Some other friends had expressed similar experiences with them.


Trent PowerDork
10/25/21 9:25 a.m.

My shop is a Hagerty preferred shop. If you are in Oregon and your Hagerty insured collector car is damaged they will recommend us. 

From the taking care of the car point of view Hagerty is fantastic. They have never once  balked or said no to any repair. From an Alfetta GT that hit a deer, BJ8 Austin Healeys in parking lot incidents, Maseratis and Ferraris that were trapped in a garage fire. Every single job we have done with them was well taken care of. Any work we suggested was paid for and allowed to be performed at a very high standard. In the case of a collision the Hagerty representative suggested we inspect the tires for flat spotting so they could replace them as well.


I have no experience with them from the other side of the transaction. I just know if you are insured by them and your car is damaged they will take very good care of you.

Floating Doc (Forum Supporter)
Floating Doc (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
10/25/21 9:26 a.m.

In reply to Trent :

That's a very useful perspective on this topic. 

pointofdeparture GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
10/25/21 9:39 a.m.

When I still had the E28 and was looking it seemed like Grundy was less restrictive about what you were allowed to do with the insured car. Hagerty wouldn't let me drive it to work on the occasional Friday but Grundy would IIRC.

No experience as a customer with either insurer though.

02Pilot UberDork
10/25/21 10:02 a.m.

I've had Hagerty on my 2002 for many years. Only one claim, for damage inside my garage (something inside the garage broke and hit the car) - sent a photo, they OK'd a new panel from BMW plus paint and installation without hesitation. Rates have increased, especially in the last few years, however - to the point that I have considered looking at alternative providers.

My gut instinct with insurance companies is that the more they advertise and otherwise self-promote, the higher the premiums are going to be. Given that Hagerty seems to be trying very hard to raise their visibility lately, I wouldn't be surprised if the rate increases continue.

Steve_Jones Dork
10/25/21 10:42 a.m.
pointofdeparture said:

When I still had the E28 and was looking it seemed like Grundy was less restrictive about what you were allowed to do with the insured car. Hagerty wouldn't let me drive it to work on the occasional Friday but Grundy would IIRC.

No experience as a customer with either insurer though.

Hagerty has no issue with pleasure driving. Right from the website

Flexible usage

Whether you're headed to a show, race, or the beach, you're protected.** Your collectible is fun to drive, so why not hit the road?

Pete. (l33t FS)
Pete. (l33t FS) GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
10/25/21 11:25 a.m.
Steve_Jones said:
pointofdeparture said:

When I still had the E28 and was looking it seemed like Grundy was less restrictive about what you were allowed to do with the insured car. Hagerty wouldn't let me drive it to work on the occasional Friday but Grundy would IIRC.

No experience as a customer with either insurer though.

Hagerty has no issue with pleasure driving. Right from the website

Flexible usage

Whether you're headed to a show, race, or the beach, you're protected.** Your collectible is fun to drive, so why not hit the road?

Do they still require the vehicle be enclosed overnight in a garage or covered trailer?

BoxheadTim GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
10/25/21 11:31 a.m.

In reply to Pete. (l33t FS) :

They at least ask, but I'm not sure if it's required.

APEowner GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
10/25/21 11:40 a.m.

Keep in mind that our personal experiences with requirements can very dramatically because the insurance industry is heavily regulated and the regulations differ from state to state. 

I've never had Grundy but I've has Hagerty for decades and the one issue I had with them was quickly resolved when I escalated the issue.  The person I was originally  dealing with is "no longer associated with Hagerty" and the escalation process was a simple as emailing that individual's supervisor who's contact info was readily available on the website.


Floating Doc (Forum Supporter)
Floating Doc (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
10/25/21 12:00 p.m.

Neither company would cover a car that was kept outside when I checked earlier this year. Hagerty required closed garage, Grundy didn't require it be in an enclosed garage. A carport or pole barn would be ok with them. Couldn't be left outside, even with a car cover and security camera. 

fatallightning Reader
10/25/21 12:24 p.m.
Floating Doc (Forum Supporter) said:

Neither company would cover a car that was kept outside when I checked earlier this year. Hagerty required closed garage, Grundy didn't require it be in an enclosed garage. A carport or pole barn would be ok with them. Couldn't be left outside, even with a car cover and security camera. 

Maybe state by state. Hagerty in NY still covered me with a fabric shelter. Premiums were a tiny bit higher, but it's still so cheap compared to normal converage. I think I pay 750 a year for 25k declared value on my Lotus 7 and 5k declared on a Suzuki Samurai.

pointofdeparture GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
10/25/21 12:32 p.m.
Steve_Jones said:
pointofdeparture said:

When I still had the E28 and was looking it seemed like Grundy was less restrictive about what you were allowed to do with the insured car. Hagerty wouldn't let me drive it to work on the occasional Friday but Grundy would IIRC.

No experience as a customer with either insurer though.

Hagerty has no issue with pleasure driving. Right from the website

Flexible usage

Whether you're headed to a show, race, or the beach, you're protected.** Your collectible is fun to drive, so why not hit the road?

Nothing in that quoted paragraph applies to what I said...Hagerty said that driving to work on the occasional Friday was not "pleasure driving." They considered it a commute and grounds for exclusion, from what I remember.

I can't challenge their reasoning (it is a commute!) but it struck me as overly draconian that driving my classic to work once a month was a no-no. Again, from what I remember, Grundy didn't have this issue and just didn't want to see me *regularly* commuting in.

10/25/21 1:08 p.m.

I am still pissed at Hagerty.

Had the MGB and the Molvo insured with them

Sold the MGB ad my coverage bill only went down $60

How does that work? Cause when I added the Molvo the cost went from 350 for the MGB only to $650 for both.

I agree, we are paying a lot for the free monthly magazine and a lot of self- promotion. We also just heard that their roadside asistance has taken a downturn in customer satisfaction.

But as Mrs NOHOME said, what the berkeley you gonna do? No other game in town.

fatallightning Reader
10/25/21 2:43 p.m.
pointofdeparture said:
Steve_Jones said:
pointofdeparture said:

When I still had the E28 and was looking it seemed like Grundy was less restrictive about what you were allowed to do with the insured car. Hagerty wouldn't let me drive it to work on the occasional Friday but Grundy would IIRC.

No experience as a customer with either insurer though.

Hagerty has no issue with pleasure driving. Right from the website

Flexible usage

Whether you're headed to a show, race, or the beach, you're protected.** Your collectible is fun to drive, so why not hit the road?

Nothing in that quoted paragraph applies to what I said...Hagerty said that driving to work on the occasional Friday was not "pleasure driving." They considered it a commute and grounds for exclusion, from what I remember.

I can't challenge their reasoning (it is a commute!) but it struck me as overly draconian that driving my classic to work once a month was a no-no. Again, from what I remember, Grundy didn't have this issue and just didn't want to see me *regularly* commuting in.

This on Hagertys site right now, this may vary depending on what exactly you have insured though.

docwyte PowerDork
10/25/21 3:10 p.m.

I have Hagerty for the 996 and the Corrado.  Adding the Corrado to the policy cost me something like $60.  Basically the 996 is the bulk of the cost, regardless of whether it's the only car or not.  Hagerty will allow you to occasionally commute to work in the car, when you sign up there are drop down boxes for usage and that's one of them.

They replaced the front windshield on the 996 with an OEM one without hesitation.  The cost of that more than paid for the entire years premium. 

I'm happy with them, I've used the tow service a few times to move cars around and that hasn't been a hassle either.  Plus I get a nice magazine too.

slefain PowerDork
10/25/21 4:26 p.m.

I've been using American Collectors for years. Had the Duster towed across town for free, no drama. I do have to keep my two collector cars inside a garage, but I do that anyway. Rates are good too. Both my classic cars are fully insured with stated value. Hagerty and Grundy aren't the only options.

pointofdeparture GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
10/25/21 5:45 p.m.

In reply to fatallightning :

It's possible that they have changed their rules since I was shopping ~2 years ago, but even today their own website has fine print that is consistent with what I was told back then:


Given that docwyte was able to set it up for his 996 I am guessing they might be picky about certain types of cars or possibly something that crosses a certain value threshold.

einy (Forum Supporter)
einy (Forum Supporter) Dork
10/25/21 5:45 p.m.

Another to at least check out is American Modern, who is the company I am currently using for my Exocet coverage.  All of our other coverages are thru Auto Owners, including umbrella coverage, and AO was very comfortable me having the specialty car covered by AM when it came to extending the AO umbrella over that vehicle.  To me, that means something.

Javelin (Forum Supporter)
Javelin (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
10/25/21 5:50 p.m.

Hagerty had no problem insuring my POS Range Rover completely outside in the open. Call them and get a conversation going about what you need. I've been a happy customer for 11 years now.

Pete. (l33t FS)
Pete. (l33t FS) GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
10/25/21 5:55 p.m.

I garage my toys offsite (the Batcave!) but I park them at home sometimes, which means out in the open.  Or I go on trips and spend the night somewhere where the car is out and about.

I wonder if an EZ Up qualifies as a carport? smiley  That probably has far more potential to cause damage than just leaving the car out.

malibuguy GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
10/26/21 7:19 a.m.
Pete. (l33t FS) said:

I garage my toys offsite (the Batcave!) but I park them at home sometimes, which means out in the open.  Or I go on trips and spend the night somewhere where the car is out and about.

I wonder if an EZ Up qualifies as a carport? smiley  That probably has far more potential to cause damage than just leaving the car out.

A good friend of mine went on a limb a few years ago and bought a new Kia Rio for commuting (he drives like 150miles a day)

About a week into owner ship after freshly waxing the car and whatnot, he decided to put it in a tent to help keep tree sap off of it since at that time he lived deep in the woods and the project car took up the only garage space he had.

Well, I think it was the 2nd night a brief storm came thru and a tree branch landed on the tent (which was new as well and a nice unit).  The tent likely kept the branch from taking out some glass and some other damage, but the tent still came into contact with the car and creased in the A pillar and 1 little dent in the upper door.

Moral of the story?   no idea, just made me thought of that particular situation

ddavidv UltimaDork
10/26/21 7:25 a.m.

Currently with Snake Farm, who refuses to increase the value of my '93 Lightning which has nearly tripled over what I paid for it. So, time to go elsewhere. I got quotes last year from both Hagerty and Grundy and they were within $3 of each other. Same basic rates I was paying with Snake Farm but with 3x the coverage.

I was leaning toward Hagerty but they just recently went public. Being that I have worked for multiple publicly owned insurers this does not thrill me. I'll probably go with Grundy, if they'll have me.

dculberson MegaDork
10/26/21 7:50 a.m.

I'm surprised to hear of rate hikes with Hagerty. I'm still paying the same annual rate as I was when I first insured my 1970 F250 with them five or six years ago.

I've had no need to use any of their services. If you make claims of course your rates are going to go up is there any chance that happened?


docwyte PowerDork
10/26/21 8:23 a.m.

In reply to pointofdeparture :

Big difference between daily driving and occasionally taking the car to work.  They don't want you to daily drive the car around town to work, etc.  They don't have an issue with you driving the car to work once in a while, or out on errands etc. 

They want you to have a different car that's your main daily driver to do the bulk of work commuting etc...

Pete. (l33t FS)
Pete. (l33t FS) GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
10/26/21 8:32 a.m.

In reply to docwyte :

I would think/hope that if you can show that your main car does 30k per year and the toy only gets 5-6k per year, that is proof that it is not being used as a primary vehicle.

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