If it sticks to brake parts and it’s not supposed to, chances are that CRC Brakleen can remove it–and it's been doing that for 50 years now.
That’s right, the iconic brake parts cleaner turns 50 this year, and CRC Industries is celebrating by launching “a variety of marketing activities and promotions,” as well as announcing title sponsorship of the CRC Brakleen …
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I'm going to spray some across a lit candle on a cupcake to celebrate (outside of course)
Also, can we get JG a ride for the truck race? He has practice for the post race interview from GRMLive broadcast. He could practice on iracing before race weekend. It may be impossible to get done on such short notice for this year. But now I'll never be able to get the idea out of my head, somehow someway for one race we need to get JG into a camping world truck.