This is new, apparently. It is a 200 TW DOT radial. It is interesting, not only because I can buy them for $156cdn each here in Saskatoon.
We have been using the American Racers at the pavement oval here since Goodyear left the race tire business, and they are generally considered to be just peachy, thank you very much.
Please scrounge a set for a tire comparison soonest. Or, if you would like, come to Edmonton last weekend of July for the Chump race, and we can run a bunch back to back with other stuff on our two Integras. You bring all the tires, I'll supply the cars.

A long time ago, American Racers were used for years at the La Crosse Interstate Speedway - a WI Nascar sanctioned track.
They switched to Hoosier
A longer time ago, they were known as McCreary and sold circle track tires and low wear rated street/drag tires. Roadstars. These would hook up once you got them warmed.
Hope its better than their DOT dirt compound 13" I have that thought they'd make a decent autox rain tire.Nope,back to back runs at a wet solo they were 5 seconds slower than the A6's and I even ran them at a dry local fun event to save the ho ho's....major suckage in the dry with two drivers and lotsa heat into them.
I'm all for a cheap track day tire,if a proper test shows them comparable to the usual R888,RC1's of the world than great but I'm not buying anything from them until proven.
3/25/16 6:59 a.m.
I raced on DOT but purpose built race tire McCreary / American racer 225x70x13 for years but they were bias plys. group switched to Hoosier brand then back to AR's.
We had a few racers that ran there old race tires on there TRAILERS! after one got a flat and had no spare he found the same pattern on the race car so put it on and even with a 000 tread wear it lasted a long time in a non powered app.
Club still races on them and there still DOT cert. They need about 3 heat cycles to "come in"
I know DaveEsty has used these in the past. I expect he'll chime in.
3/25/16 8:35 a.m.
following with interest..
American racer slicks were the first set i ever used at the dragstrip. Take offs from a friends stock car. They were great if you did a giant burnout.
A longer time ago, they were known as McCreary
There's a name I haven't heard in a long time...
I've run their slicks for 3 years. They're good bias-ply slicks. Certainly not A7 levels of grip, but also not A7 levels of cost.
Can't comment on these radials. They're mildly tempting, but that size is competitive.
In reply to NickD:
Thanks. I learned a while ago to not do GIS image grabbing at work. Some image host sites inject malware...
In reply to bluej:
Well, when you click "View image" in the GIS preview pane, sometimes you get redirected to a page rather than an image URL. And some of those pages inject malware.
Picked up my first set of "205"/50 15 AR's. They are slightly wider than my 225 Rivals, and I don't think I've ever seen such a stiff carcass. Cheap for here, too. $159 cdn, which is a pretty good number.
High hopes.
Streetwiseguy wrote:
Picked up my first set of "205"/50 15 AR's. They are slightly wider than my 225 Rivals, and I don't think I've ever seen such a stiff carcass. Cheap for here, too. $159 cdn, which is a pretty good number.
High hopes.
What aspect ratio were your Rivals?
I am curious if the tires that run to the wide end of the spectrum also run taller. Meaning do they have the exact aspect ratio, or do they fudge that to the low end.
Rivals are 225/45 15s. I didn't check height, because that would have involved me taking a tire off the top of the pile, and I'm pretty darn lazy by 8 pm.
I just bought a set of these tires. The American Racer website just refers to them as “DOT radials” and gives no further information.
First impressions: They’re marked “SCR2500” and supposedly 205/50/15 ... but they’re wider than any 225/50/15 I’ve ever seen. They’re supposedly 200 treadwear rated, which would make them legal for AER/Chump type events. They weigh a metric berkeley ton.
I’m going to mount them to my 15x7” street wheels and use them as transit and rain tires. Will report back once I have a few laps on them.
6/30/18 10:18 p.m.
I would love to hear back on these. You're our man on the scene!
Have you been able to take some weight measurments?
If they aren't lying about the shipped weight it's 21lbs, which puts it even with other 200TW tires in that size.
7/1/18 8:29 a.m.
Wow - they are selling their dirt trackers close outs for 60 a tire...
7/1/18 10:27 a.m.
And uhhhh... the 205/50/15s are now $50!
I just ordered a set.. says they are going to contact me with shipping charges before charging which is new to me but i cant figure it will be enough to make this not super cheap.