I just installed a Hard Core Hard Top Single Diagonal last week in my 96. This is the second time I've installed one. The directions aren't that great, but the customer service is outstanding and if you measure carefully it's not so bad. Visibility would be much better with the Double Diagonal, but I hate the way that they look. One of the toughest parts is keeping the folded top out of the way as you measure, cut and fit the bar. Here are some photos of the install:
You start with this:

After measuring out from hole for the center carpet button, I marked a spot and drilled a hole with 2 1/2 inch hole saw thinking that this would give me a smoother radius. This was a mistake for a few reasons. First, it threw chips everywhere. Second, the hole didn't need to be that big. I finished the cut with a scrolling jigsaw, which would have worked for the whole job.

I'm fairly certain that the rear supports on the Sport bar come straight down here rather than curving down on the HCHT.

I've fit the bar in place alone, but it's much easier with a helper. Only try it alone if you have no other other option.
Before drilling the holes through the floor, make sure you scrape away any seam sealer. The slightest bit between the mounting plate and the floor will translate into a pretty big misalignment.
If possible, route these wires behind the bar on both sides (I didn't). There's not a lot of slack, and it will be difficult to tighten the bolt without pinching the wire with the wrench, but I'd rather have it behind there.

I used a carpet that I had already cut for another car. That one had a full cage based on an HD Sport, so it's a little sloppy but still looks okay. I also used trim panels that I had cut for another car a few years ago, so I don't remember all of the details about cutting them.

Here's the finished product in profile with the seat all the way back.

Definitely spring for the fitted padding and cover. It's well worth it. Note that I had to add extra padding for the seat position that I use. This is temporary, as I will probably swap to race seats as soon as I can find the right brackets.