I have been thinking of replacing the pop up units in my 924s with these units.
More info here: http://www.rallylights.com/hella/90mm_modules.asp
From the description it looks to be a significant upgrade from the standard 7" round sealed beam units that I have. I would also loose about 30 Lbs from the nose of my car by getting rid of all the stock headlight stuff. I also like the price. IT looks like I can get it done for less than $150 a side. This would include making up some acrylic covers and the mounting hardware as well as adding in relays and running dedicated fused power to the nose of the car.
Here is a set that were installed in a 968. He installed High beams only as his car is track only. But you get the idea
I have put a tape measure to my car and they would fit with out any problem
And one of the car just because I really like it!
More on the car can be found here: http://www.968turbo.com/car.htm
My question is has anyone here used these? Eliminating the pop up headlights in my car would be a plus and getting rid of 30lbs would be even better. I am not expecting HID type lighting but this looks like a very good upgrade from the old 7" pop up sealed beam units I have.