Hello all,
Let my introduce myself, and explain way I'm crazy (and why its your fault). My name is Ryan, I'm 17, and I live in Virginia. I was once just a normal car enthusiast, you know reading one or two car magazines looking at car on the internet a little ( this is a lie I scanned ebay as a youth almost everyday), I mean I only got three car magazines Automobile, Car and Driver and Hot Rod(the first one in my name). all just casual magazines. One day while I was only about 14 or 15 Hot Rod made a reference to this other magazine Grassroots Motorsports, that looks neat I thought, so I got a copy at the time I had only $2000 to spend on a car and the issue I got was the 200x challenge, needless to say I was hooked. Now only a few years later I get a total of seven car magazines( including newsletters from clubs, oh wait then that makes eight, oh my) and I have started on a crazy project. I bought a basket case 1973 Triumph Stag from a man at my church, I got it for $300, then a few days later I got a parts car for free. Now my parent's garage has been taken up with the parts and the empty rolling shell of an old British car. Thats not the craziest part of the whole thing, I made this old piece of fine British engineering my senior project for my high school, in other words I don't graduate from the academy I go to if I don't finish the car by December, yep my high school diploma rides on a British Leyland product.... dear god
...... and to clarify the other people at my school are all doing mentorships and little research projects for their senior project so I'm in uncharted territory, great. So by now you think I'm crazy, normal people think I'm crazy, but I so excited, and I have a feeling if your here you are excited too.
So on to some pictures
Taking up space
look good eh?
empty truck
Full truck, so many parts
The free parts car
So yes I'm crazy, but I'm happy
Also I have a build thread here: http://www.retrorides.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=readersrides&action=display&thread=80559&page=1
Its a great site and I found it through here
That is one abnormally clean Stag shell you have there! I can only guess it broke down and sat indoors before it could rust
Best of luck!
Seems like anyone who has a Stag has at least one parts car... or 5.
that neighborhood looks somehow familiar....whereabouts in Va. are you?
5/31/10 9:23 p.m.
So, maybe it's just me, but somehow I see old 'Cuda in the front end, at least w/o any chrome in it. Hopefully it handles better than a Chrysler.
Diploma riding on a running and driving Stag???
A doff of the brain bucket to you, my good man. You are definitely crazier than me. 
Good work, good luck and good lord are you brave. Yes, this magazine tends to infect us all pretty deeply.
5/31/10 9:31 p.m.
If you aren't crazy now, you will be in the coming months. You'll fit right in here. 
EvanB wrote:
Seems like anyone who has a Stag has at least one parts car... or 5.
Hey, I resemble that remark, literally
Glad to see another Stagaholic, welcome to the world of enablers....you can do it
What part of the world do you reside in?
Haha I was trying to remember how many you had now.
He is in Virginia.
But the question is: What part of Virginia? I would guess the tidewater area, but one never knows.
I DO know that some of us would be willing to help, depending on location.
He should go over to the Classic side of the force also.
Best. Introduction. Evah. Usually, I'd say "Welcome Aboard!", but I think in your case I'd say, "What took you so long?" 
x2 on Classic, VonS, there's probably a couple of guys over there that own ones that run & drive. Are you doing an engine swap, or are you gonna try to save the original Triumph V8?
NYG95GA wrote:
friedgreencorrado wrote:
Best. Introduction. Evah.
Plus One. Well met.
+1 At least you're among people who are crazy, so that means you are normal here. Normal here is still crazy, but at least you can blend in!
5/31/10 11:53 p.m.
This is the only way I'm for teenagers on automotive web boards. Welcome, Ryan--you belong here, for sure. 
Please keep us posted on your progress.
wow you sound alot like me. im 18 and also from va, however my dad really got me into cars. My dad owns a restoration shop in richmond called sportscar workshops. if you ever need help tracking down parts or need advice im sure theyd be hapy to help
You'll be in even more trouble when you go to college, especially if you go to one with a $20XX Challenge team...
You are doing a lot better then I bought three MG Midgets at 17 and four years later, they still aren't done. And +1 on the above statement but also if the school has a Formula or Baja program.
You're not crazy if you're standing among crazy people. It's the folks reading our brainwaves that are crazy.
Welcome to the club. I wish I could have had a project car in high school. My parents wouldn't budge from their "no old cars" position, although I got my Jeep, which doubled as a daily driver. I've still got that Jeep too. Hang on to the cars from your youth, if you can. They've got a lot of great memories (you might need yours for therapy)
Good luck and keep us updated
When does the S-10 get a V8?
(you think you're crazy?)
New Reader
6/1/10 1:20 p.m.
Crazy's good. My type of crazy involves a $1500 beater, a shovel, a snow bank, and five rolls of duct tape just in case...
6/1/10 2:03 p.m.
yep my high school diploma rides on a British Leyland product.... dear god
Best quote of my day, for sure...