Not that there are as many follicles as there once were. But I am considering a motorcycle again to be able to access the "hot" lane here in Atlanta. Traffic is so berkleying terrible here. I swear a saw someone prepare a frittata in their car while trying to hit me last week. I have to have a decent appearance for my job. So is there a solution to helmet head?
Clippers + #1 attachment.
Buzzcut? High-and-tight? Butch cut? Bald is beautiful?
we'll need a picture of your normal hair, then we can comment on how it looks pre-helmet and speculate on how it will look post-helmet 
Keep it short and fix it once you get to work. If you wear a leather jacket, the hard part is keeping the shirt from looking a wrinkled mess.
saddlebags will help with the clothes..
At the risk of sounding a bit like a fop, you need to look into "fiber" or "mud" "hair product." That E36 M3 isn't going anywhere, once you get the helmet off just sort of hand-comb it, but it's matte so you don't look like a pelican from the Gulf of Mexico. American Crew will probably be the easiest to find.
Or you know, shave that berkeleyer. Which unfortunately doesn't work for the uh, smaller framed man...

A well vented helmet (read; more expensive) will go a long way from makeing you look gnarly.
Bell Vortex! Vents that could act as hoodscoops for a fairly decent sized engine.
A brush kept in the desk drawer and a walk to the bathroom sink. Refresh the hair.
Do-rags under the helmet can also help. Your hair will still be squished, but you can better control the bizzare patterns.
I keep mine short and hit the bathroom first thing on the way to my windowless cubical. Little water & time in front of the mirror and I'm ready for success.
Has anybody ever worn a welders beanie under their helmet? I am ugly, and don't have much hair anyway, so its not really a concern for me...

3/22/12 8:28 a.m.
grow it REALLY long, keep in ponytail. Weight keeps it in line. I never run into helmet hair at auto-x.
mndsm wrote:
grow it REALLY long, keep in ponytail. Weight keeps it in line. I never run into helmet hair at auto-x.
The pony tail ends up a mess though, I did that for years and really tore up my hair. Finally just cut it all off.
3/22/12 10:13 a.m.
You're a man; don't worry about it.
That TV show Home Improvement occasionally had real information. I remember a solution for hat hair (the scenario being a hard hat on a job site) being a compressed air nozzle and a comb. If you don't have an air compressor at work, one of those cans of CO2 might do the job. You could fit that in a backpack or in your desk.
My mohawk (non bic'd sides) holds up pretty well to a couple hours in a MTB helmet (full-face) so that's what I'd suggest.
Plus it's not quite enough that work can write me up for it.
/yay giant evil corperation