Hi there,
I have a pair of Weber 40 DCOE side draft carbs with a top mounted bracket for the throttle cable. This is on a Ford 1600 cross flow engine in a Westfield Sei 7. As you can see the bracket broke and I am trying to identify a replacement. I'm not seeing similar setups on image searches. Can anyone help identify a replacement part for this?
Can you point out what is broken? I cannot see any linkage.
Engine appears to be a CVH, not a crossflow, which may assist your search. Crossflows were pushrod engines, CVH were OHC engines with a characteristic scalloped valve cover at the exhaust side.
Thanks a lot for the info - of course you are correct I'm sitting here with my Haynes CVH book as a type this! The black bracket mounted along the top of the carb where the throttle cable spring is connected. One side I did a roadside repair with a few washers - that is where it was broken.
The more I look at it it appears to be a custom fabricated bracket. Unless anyone recognizes it! Thanks!
9/25/23 8:31 a.m.
For the return spring, something like this may work.
Since it only works for the left side, try to hook the spring on the lever of the front carb. If it's on the rear carb it will try to twist its throttle shaft.

Thanks very much, that looks promising!
9/25/23 11:19 a.m.
I am not familiar with that style, but I like it and will be keeping it in mind the next time I have to make DCOE linkage.