Last night I drove the 86 Fox GT across town and back without any issues. Parked it, no trouble. Idled just fine, worked great.
Today, I wanted to take my dog to the dog park. I tried to start the car, and it wouldn't stay running.
Hit the ignition and it fires up without any problems, tach jumps to 1100, but if you don't immediately jump to the throttle, it dies. If you keep your foot feathering the throttle, between 1000 and 2000, it will run, but after a few minutes it starts popping and making an odd noise like there is a cylinder not firing or something, and again, if you take your foot off the throttle, it dies. About this time, after shutting off the engine, if you look under the car, the right bank catalysts are smoking hot (literally smoking).
Where do I start first? Jumped time? bad injector? Plugged Cats? What did I do?