A few years ago, could be 4 or could be 8 not sure really, there was someone here that had a build thread for his air cooled VW Beetle.
I remember he was doing all the body work in his garage and split the pan/body and started to paint it. If I remember correctly he painted it dark gray, but not sure. I do not remember if it was a forum regular or someone that posted for a while.
Does anyone remember? I tried to search for it every which way but came up empty handed.
I really think this was the thread, but unfortunately there are zero posts from the OP.
I wonder whatever happened or what the username was so I can look him up on another forum.
1972 Beetle Restoration
In reply to Slippery :
Looks like rollins111 was the user name of the OP. Found it in a quote.
rollins111 was the username. Found some pictures on TheSamba.com
Too bad its all gone from here.

72Subabeetle also seems to be a username in quotes but no post by the user prior in the thread.
Stampie said:
In reply to Slippery :
Looks like rollins111 was the user name of the OP. Found it in a quote.
Yep found him!
Same username on TheSamba ... now to search there :D
What do you need to know ?
get the Idiots guide and the Bentley manual ( used one)
They are pretty simple .
In reply to californiamilleghia :
I just ordered the idiots guide!
I really want to buy a beetle and had that thread stuck in my mind for some reason. In the research phase atm :)