Anyway, want to lube the window and sunroof tracks/gears/etc while I have things apart. What is the best thing to use? Any other maintenance to do while I'm there?
Also, should I add lube to the sealed timing belt pulley bearings that came with the timing belt kit? With what?
Car is a mazda protege 5
For the window and sunroof stuff, I usually use silicone spray lube. As for the timing belt pulley, I don't think sealed bearings need any extra lubricant.
timing belt pulleys are generally replaced with the belt. I have never heard of them needing to be lubed
Replace the pulley with the timing belt.
I second the use of silicone spray, maybe with a bit of silicone grease where the factory put it, in the sunroof.
6/24/16 9:44 a.m.
Yup - silicone spray on the tracks and guides that you can see or reach.
You can't lube a sealed bearing, all you are going to do is introduce something to collect dirt and possibly affect the life of your timing belt.
Was planning on the pullies. But recent thread about living aftermarket wheel bearings prior to install got me over thinking it.
NGTD wrote:
You can't lube a sealed bearing, all you are going to do is introduce something to collect dirt and possibly affect the life of your timing belt.
It's not all the hard to open up a sealed bearing to relube it. Not that it's generally needed mind you.
Greasing your balls