Came with IT Rabbit. 13x6, 4x100. 4.5 inch back spacing. Shank style lug, not hub centric. I have five.
<img src="
Value? Need cleaning, but otherwise in very good condition. Was considering going to 14 or 15 inch instead as rims are free in COMSCC ST class so long as rim/tire fits under rim. Or should I stay with these?
I have a set of Cheviot's in 13" with 4 1/4" bolt pattern that look just like those.
Those are STITCHIN'! If I had an old Honda or MkI VeeDub, I would totally rock those on the street!
For racing, upgrade...quick... For street, those are the E36 M3.

I am gonna say appliance wheels from the late 70's. They even came on a special edition 1976 "mini-van" called the white rabbit.

cool looking rims. Got weights?
8/6/11 8:20 p.m.
I'm with Ditchdigger on this one. I think they are stock basketweaves.
In reply to ditchdigger:
Where'd you find that? Name of rims? I tried Cheviot but nothing looks correct.
Any suggestions for size of replacement rims? 14 or 15 inch for the track? 83 GTi.
From the deep dark recesses of my brain. I drove and built rabbits for way too long and recognized them immediately. These are from before wheels really had names. That was just the basketweave style that appliance made. They made them in all sorts of sizes and offsets.
Have some tasty deep ones

Personally I like 15's on rabbits with 195 or 205/50's
Very cool.
I was thinking 15s as well. Should I be concerned much about gearing? Running an FK gearbox.