I've decided I'm putting a brake vent system on my car after all, with a redeveloped track with 2 more nearly 1/4 mile straights and valuable street/track pads altering the cost/benefit equation.
The problem is that the project's already over budget...I had the idea to only use costly silicone brake vent ducting for the first bit of tubing coming off the backing plate, then transition to cheap pool vac or barber shop dryer ducting.
Just how little silicone ducting do you think I could get away with on each corner? 6"? 1ft?
Since the energy of the brake heat is radiated from all of the brake disc when under heavy use, the silicone ducting needs to extend at least past the disc diameter a few inches. The air flowing thru it will help keep the heat effect from moving too far upstream.
9/25/13 12:40 p.m.
MANY crap can racers have used clothes dryer air duct without problems, including myself. It's easy to swap out for better stuff later if you feel the need. Modify the backing plates to attach as required, cost is only a few bucks if you're handy.
Only problem I have seen with the dryer stuff is it falling off the car, then again it happens just as often with the real stuff.
Just use the dryer vent...
Do they make 2" or smaller dryer vent though? I think it's all 3"+
We used the aluminum rigid dryer vent, secured with long zip ties at lemons. I never used backing plates, just dumped mass air behind the rotor. (Dust shields removed)
I'm not only low on space on the dust shields themselves, but also inside the rim and in the wheel well. I might have to go for 1.5" or even 1" but I'm gonna try to squeeze 2" in there.
I remember you starting a thread awhile back about water-cooled brakes...................why not just buy proper track pads?
Even if you can keep the street pads cooler, they still won't last nearly as long.
I'm getting a set of EBC Yellowstuff pads, and I want the brake vent system to help these fairly costly pads last longer.
I don't know that they'll make them last longer... Yellows like to be hot.