I found a set of wheels on Craigslist that I want to buy. The seller is using some kind code for his phone number, a mix of actual numbers, numbers spelled out and for the last digit, a lower case f. What the f is the f supposed to be? 4? 1? 7?
I get that he's trying to stump the robots, but I'm an actual human who wants to buy his stuff and I can't reach him.
F is the 6th letter of the alphabet...I'm guessing it's a 6.
F is usually a three when it comes to phone numbers.
F is on the number three on the dialer. I am guessing it's three :-)
Either that or the seller intended spell out the word four or five and didn't finish it.
The number pour or phive.
I'd guess 3, doubt he's referring to "F" in hexadecimal (15).
That isn't a legit ad. It's a Russian spy sending the nuclear launch codes to his handler.
Mike wrote:
F is usually a three when it comes to phone numbers.
Damn...Good point. That's what I get for overthinking things, as usual.
Junkyard_Dog wrote:
That isn't a legit ad. It's a Russian spy sending the nuclear launch codes to his handler.
Craigslist gibberish is the new numbers station? Makes sense.
Thanks. I'm going with 3. Text has been sent.
I have not seen that. Now I know.
If you have the rest of the phone number and are just missing that one digit, you could always try each variation 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 and see if one of them hits. The "f" could just be a typo.
I've also sent a couple of emails. No luck. I'm guessing they're sold.
7/24/15 6:31 a.m.
What I dont get is why they do that in the first place. CL specifically obscures the phone numbers from the open text now so robots cant harvest them so there's no damn reason for it.
7/24/15 7:00 a.m.
Jumper K. Balls wrote:
The answer is clear
YES! A Mitchell and Webb reference! I so wish they were still on BBCA.
Someone needs to invent a CL Enigma machine for moments like this.
FSP_ZX2 wrote:
Someone needs to invent a CL Enigma machine for moments like this.
But then we'd all have to get our own copy of the cryptonomicon, and the secret admirers would be pissed when their codes were being stolen by the feds. Better to go with van eck phreaking.
DanyloS wrote:
If you have the rest of the phone number and are just missing that one digit, you could always try each variation 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 and see if one of them hits. The "f" could just be a typo.
This^ i would text every combo of that number, one of the 10 is sure to be it.
Group text all 10 possible numbers.
These turned out to be worth the trouble. Really nice original wheels with very good usable BF Goodrich tires on them. All I need to do is hit the center caps with a little spray paint and check the pressures.