Bad news and hard luck. I just spoke with Aussie Steve and he broke the MGB with Ford big block. He is still coming without it and now wants to buy a car to compete in The Aristocrat Class. His requirement is that it must be a 4 door.
If you are bored at your desk, please search CL listings for him and post here.
His path is straight down I 75 from Dayton.
What cha got? What can ya find?
Not aristocrat but there's the Dodge Caliber in the $2015 ads from a week ago. Its is Jacksonville only a little over an hour away. I have an offer in on it but if you want it for the Challenge I'll step aside.
Aw man, that rots! Not sure I'll have time to look, but I will if I get a chance.
10/21/15 10:20 a.m.
10/21/15 10:23 a.m.
Bingo! This is what you need right here, hope it's still available
I spoke with Steve. He is driving solo so this car will need to be aquired very close to Gainesville. Say, within an hour of Gainesville.
In reply to rodknock:
I'm pretty jealous of that Lexus.
How 'bout a soopercharged Buick?
Hell if this is not a scam should be pretty easy to get rid of after the event
Soopercharged Impala
10/21/15 11:07 a.m.
This one is near Cleveland....He would have to drive it down, but I think it has possibilities. (Add green stripes?)
You've got some good choices there. The STS is cool, but FWD. The Jag looks good too, and that's RWD.
Agreed. That Lexus Is awesome. He should fly to the nearest port, have the ls400 owner pick him up (or is it LS 5?) and buy it, sight unseen, then drive to the event. Compete. And rumple that beer can up after the event. (Although I know from experience, those ls400's are hard to bend!)
In reply to jstein77:
And you can say " let's take the JJAAAGGG!" Said in my best Clarkson voice.
Trust me if you tell someone you need picked up at the airport to buy a $1000 car you will need a really good explanation. They still won't take you seriously.
10/21/15 11:17 a.m.
How about this, Ocala is 40 miles south of Gainesville, sorry it's a 2 door though 1992 Benz 300 Coupe
10/21/15 11:20 a.m.
This may be more like it. South of Ocala so may be slightly more than an hour away 1894 BMW 733i
10/21/15 11:25 a.m.
Ok, last one. I've got work to do
98 BMW 740il - $1200
10/21/15 11:29 a.m.
06HHR wrote:
This may be more like it. South of Ocala so may be slightly more than an hour away 1894 BMW 733i
this is a great option.
if you go Jag, please paint it some form of cat fur print 
I have spoken to the 740il owner and plan to see it tomorrow.
Flying is not an option, I am already en route in a Ram.