SVreX wrote:
In reply to Huckleberry:
Got it. Huckleberry does not like P71's. Did anyone miss that announcement?
I think you missed the part where the OP was asking what people DO like about a few cars. He didn't actually ask what we don't like.
It doesn't bother me, I asked about cars people like that I couldn't understand why, he added a car to the list. I don't necessarily agree with p71 hate. Judging it on it's sportiness is like saying a Miata sucks because it doesn't fit my whole family or pull a boat.
11/30/16 10:40 a.m.
Volvo wagons just look cool. Also, they had rear facing seat. Those were fun growing up going through the drive thru.
92dxman wrote:
Volvo wagons just look cool.
I'm pretty sure "cool" doesn't mean what you think it means.
Huckleberry wrote:
Lets add the weird infatuation with P71s. I've never driven a bigger POS in my life. (OK, that's a lie)
I do not get the attraction of a big, heavy stupid car with terrible handling, numb steering and almost enough power to overcome it's weight with 5 years minimum of cop farts built in. At all.
You can pretend you're one of the Duke boys on Sunday, and it will still get you to work on Monday. Dirt cheap to buy, insurance is cheap, and parts are dirt cheap. LSD-equipped, they're hoon machines and certain Mustang parts bolt right up (including the T-45/TR3650 transmissions), meaning that it's relatively easy to have a moderately quick barge.
As a longtime Volvo nut I'll add my 2 kroner
Volvo 240: Came stock with the best heater within 93 million miles of the sun. Turning radius tighter than I think any modern car and most vintage. The 240 is the quintessential swiss army knife of cars. Carries a huge amount of cargo, passengers ride comfortably, and handles far better than any of the other contemporary options. The durability is incredible - you see a ton on the road, for more than you'd expect for a car last made in 1993.
Volvo 740: same as the 240 in every way except more comfort and more space. The styling isn't as universally adored by Volvo-nuts, so they're a great bargain too.
I love mine, especially with its firmer suspension. Some day I'll add a turbo and really find out what the Volvo love is all about.