We are trying to be at three places at once next weekend and are spread a little thin. We will be at UTCC (most of us, of course), the Hawk at Road America (Joe and Carl) and the Pittsburgh GP (Andy Reid and you). yes, you. We need a volunteer from our audience to help out at our booth, primarily on Saturday July 20th.
Compensation will range from free swag and a slap on the back to bags full of cash, or an old MG, depending on how seriously you take the job and how desperate we get.
If interested, and available, and not a psycho killer (okay, we'll let the psycho killer part slide, since if he lived, it would make for a fun Andy story), please contact Debbie at our office 386 239-0523 or debbie@grassrootsmotorsports.com
- See more at: http://classicmotorsports.net/forum/classic-cars/help-wanted-at-pittsburgh-gp/66879/page1/#sthash.0e1sfoqH.dpuf
What times are needed? What will be required of said person?
Rob R.
It's basically help manning our subscription sales booth. Contact Debbie for details--thanks!
Isn't Andy from the Chicago area? I could drive out with him.
As a salesman I would wear Andy down as I never shut up. The story would end (or begin) with him ditching me at an Ohio rest area on the way to Pittsburgh.....
Andy has relocated to Connecticut now. But he could still ditch you somewhere along the way :-)
7/9/13 8:11 p.m.
Sent an email, could possibly make it out there, especially if it buys me a "get out of becoming a patio foundation" card ;)
But if someone closer is available it might be better, 5 hour ride for me, but I need to do a recon drive of the route for a rally next year anyway and I have family I could visit friday night.
In reply to Marjorie Suddard:
Fine! I be annoying the team at Road America ALL day on Friday. Last year I was given a discount on my t-shirt purchase so the Korean daughter and I would stop taking magazine samples and leave.