Big news from Topeka:
That's a horribly written story.
"As an actual, and increasingly rare, writer with a college degree in journalism."
Rad_Capz wrote:
"As an actual, and increasingly rare, writer with a college degree in journalism."
It was very hard to continue reading the story after this proclamation. Especially because I also have a journalism degree.
Welcome to the SCCA - snatching defeat from the jaws of victory since 1944
Ian F
10/15/13 9:56 a.m.
That wasn't a story. That was a rant.
So what did Dahnert do to piss off the board? Speaking as a member of the rank and file, I like the direction SCCA has taken. It's becoming more open, less of the Secret Car Club of America.
In reply to Curmudgeon:
thats the whole point, the world may never know what happened. The Good-ol-boys Club of Merkah will never tell, and Danhert is apparently too classy to tell (good for him BTW).
And for the record, we always had a nice relationship with Jeff. I just saw him at Solo Nats, in fact.
Hopefully their next big move will be to rename the whole organization the "Sports Car Drama Club of America". At least there would be truth in advertising.