I'm just hoping you guys open another pee-on position next year around this time, if the stars, and planets align correctly I will be in the Daytona area going to school, as much as I have enjoyed my time with the Depot, it is time to move on. Would love to find a job that actually requires working with something you have an interest in. (hint, hint
) Heck would only need to be part time too.....
The photography skills knock me out of the running. Have a degree but not in the recommended field. Have worked as a Tech Writer/Editor and routinely write now. But it would be very difficult for me to give up this sweet gubment position I have now. They just promoted me to a higher than I thought I would make.Oh well! Somebody's dream is about to come true.
I have a photo degree, and a love of cars.
i have none of the qualifications on paper, but i swear i am good with a camera, a very competent writer and currently work in an automotive machine shop. y'all wanna fly me out??
Could you kind folks down there help me out a bit? I've not yet been able to convince my lovely wife that it would be a MARVELOUS idea to uproot the family, high-tail it to Florida, and begin life anew. She just has noooo sense of adventure. Nope. Not a bit.
And still I long for the opportunity, especially since I have become unemployed as of Wednesday. So, I wonder how and if I could make it work. I don't do a whole lot of writing, unless you count the cars I sell on craigslist. So I guess any sample of my writing would have to come from one of my craigslist ads. That's really not such a bad thing: last week a couple came to look at my wifes' Kia Sedona based mostly on how my ad was written. The lady of the pair actually told me so :)
I could be at the office Sunday evening for an interview.
No joke.
All of my communications experience is in radio/TV. I don't have a degree in that, either..but with 32yrs experience, I'm sure a little theory has come my way by osmosis, if from nothing else..
Seriously, if you ever get big enough to go down that path ("MotorWeek" started as a local Maryland PBS show, after all..), ping me. I can help. In fact, I'll start now. Don't bet the whole farm on going to vid. Television is facing serious challenges from the new media climate. I have a suspicion the Editorial Board already knows this, though, based upon your replies to folks saying "OMG YOU SHOULD HAVE A TV SHOW IT WOULD BE THE BEST IN THE WORLD!!"
I'm sure it would be, but it would also be expensive to do it right. 
I have a degree in Advertising, I am a heck of a people person, I have written freelance for an automotive magazine, and I may not know my way around a camera very well, but I am a fast learner. The degree may not be in English, but I can submit writing samples.
Besides, I can protect the office from Zombie attacks with my awesome ninja skills.
Oh, and I obviously have event planning expertise as I started the Forza Triple Awesome Racing League.
I applied, I can move down on Monday...
friedgreencorrado wrote:
All of my communications experience is in radio/TV. I don't have a degree in that, either..but with 32yrs experience, I'm sure a little theory has come my way by osmosis, if from nothing else..
Seriously, if you ever get big enough to go down that path ("MotorWeek" started as a local Maryland PBS show, after all..), ping me. I can help. In fact, I'll start now. Don't bet the whole farm on going to vid. Television is facing serious challenges from the new media climate. I have a suspicion the Editorial Board already knows this, though, based upon your replies to folks saying "OMG YOU SHOULD HAVE A TV SHOW IT WOULD BE THE BEST IN THE WORLD!!"
I'm sure it *would* be, but it would also be expensive to do it right.
I have no doubt that if we did a TV show it would be awesome. Of course, if all it took for a TV show to succeed was being awesome, Arrested Development would have never gotten canceled.
Having said that, we'll of course continue to explore alternative medias, if only because it provides an enjoyable distraction for us, and there is some positive reaction to it. I think the real future, however, is dinner theater.
And good luck everyone in the application derby. Like the ad says, don't get so hung up on specific degrees. We are looking for a person with a specific set of skills and aptitudes, and we're not so concerned with how that person came to posses those skills as how they wield them.
P.S. No Juggalos.
8/21/10 10:51 a.m.
Haha... A GRM dinner theatre... I can see it now, an "all things bacon buffet" and a bunch of lemons cars duking it out on an oval track or something. Two drinks of choice for this type of venue. PBR or water.
mndsm wrote:
So.... how are housing prices in Gainesville? I have 0 education to speak of, but I can take good piktars. And write things. And I know there's a difference between they're and there and their, even though they're not always easy to distinguish.
$20k will get you a big yard, not so big house - perfect if the local muni. allows you to fill the yard with projects. 
8/21/10 11:43 a.m.
JThw8 wrote:
I am completely unqualified for the job from an educational standpoint, yet I'm so uninspired in my current job I'd pack up the operation and move south for this
Who else here has won a CAR for his writing skills...I'm just sayin'. 
I feel the thing that is really going for GRM is that EVERYONE in the know wants to work for them. That brings lots of applications in from all walks of life.
I second the video formats... my education is in Communications and I spent years as a non-linear editor (doing education videos... yawn)
8/22/10 6:18 a.m.
I'd like to nominate myself for the non-existent position of Australian Correspondent
I'm on the other side of the planet, but if you guys want a freelancer I've played that game many times before ...
JG Pasterjak wrote:
friedgreencorrado wrote:
All of my communications experience is in radio/TV. I don't have a degree in that, either..but with 32yrs experience, I'm sure a little theory has come my way by osmosis, if from nothing else..
Seriously, if you ever get big enough to go down that path ("MotorWeek" started as a local Maryland PBS show, after all..), ping me. I can help. In fact, I'll start now. Don't bet the whole farm on going to vid. Television is facing serious challenges from the new media climate. I have a suspicion the Editorial Board already knows this, though, based upon your replies to folks saying "OMG YOU SHOULD HAVE A TV SHOW IT WOULD BE THE BEST IN THE WORLD!!"
I'm sure it *would* be, but it would also be expensive to do it right.
I have no doubt that if we did a TV show it would be awesome. Of course, if all it took for a TV show to succeed was being awesome, Arrested Development would have never gotten canceled.
As the young'uns say, "Word up, bro." I was a big "Veronica Mars" fan, it was brilliant until they started suspecting they'd be canceled, and accelerated the pace so they could get as much in as possible before the ax. TV's in a strange place right now..viewers are tired of schedule changes and all the stupid graphics over the top of a show (when people find out I work in TV, their first question is usually, "..can you do anything about all that crap they put on the screen when my show is on?"), so they just wait for the DVD set to come out. Of course, if they don't watch the show when it's actually on TV, the ratings suffer, and the show gets cancelled. Sometimes, I think I work in a dying industry.
Even if that's true, video will continue, regardless of how it's transmitted. You'll still need people who understand how to make a vid package attractive to the eye. Lighting, camera, editing, etc. One of the reasons I like Jay Leno's online pieces about his cars is because he understands that very well.
JG Pasterjak wrote:
Having said that, we'll of course continue to explore alternative medias, if only because it provides an enjoyable distraction for us, and there is some positive reaction to it. I think the real future, however, is dinner theater.
No improv? I'd think the story of a carjacker trying to drive a manual would be comedy gold!
JG Pasterjak wrote:
And good luck everyone in the application derby. Like the ad says, don't get so hung up on specific degrees. We are looking for a person with a specific set of skills and aptitudes, and we're not so concerned with how that person came to posses those skills as how they wield them.
P.S. No Juggalos.
I had to look up "Juggalos", but after doing so..I can only say that any Judge in this country who'd call that "discrimination" needs to be nuked. Does anyone else remember it was "lib'ruls" like me who were against throwing the mentally insane out of the asylums and into the streets in the first place? 
I'm not a Juggalo, I'm a card, I swear!
One of my friends has this whole tribal theory. I keep telling him we should write a book, or at least let me pick his brain so I can write one.
Just bumping this up for the weekday crowd. And seriously, thanks for the kind words.
If I didn't already have a pretty cool job in a great area...
I told Janel about this. She made some comment about "getting tired of the sunshine all the time in Florida." Which is odd coming from a girl who has lived her whole life in one of the sunniest towns in the US. I think she just doesn't want to move away. But I think getting to hang out with Tom Heath full time would make up for it.
nutherjrfan wrote:
mndsm wrote:
So.... how are housing prices in Gainesville? I have 0 education to speak of, but I can take good piktars. And write things. And I know there's a difference between they're and there and their, even though they're not always easy to distinguish.
$20k will get you a big yard, not so big house - perfect if the local muni. allows you to fill the yard with projects.
Just to be clear, GRM is in Holly Hill, FL, which is near Daytona Beach. Gainesville is ~2 hours from there. 
I'd have a place to move , but tampa to holly hill is one long commute
nutherjrfan wrote:
mndsm wrote:
So.... how are housing prices in Gainesville? I have 0 education to speak of, but I can take good piktars. And write things. And I know there's a difference between they're and there and their, even though they're not always easy to distinguish.
$20k will get you a big yard, not so big house - perfect if the local muni. allows you to fill the yard with projects.
All cars parked in that yard will be on blocks come the next morning. East Gaineville is well... the wrong side of the tracks!
8/24/10 12:04 a.m.
like i said last time, let me know when you're looking for a geologist that can stumble through inDesign