... a smart alec comment I made in some post or other got picked up in the "Say What" section.
I'm going to keep making smart alec comments! I would have anyway, but you get the idea.
I'd like to thank Grassroots Motorsports for launching my writing career. I owe everything to them (and the IRS. Taking a break from taxes to type this out...).
The next time I'll be published will be posthumously - obits, you know.
But it was fun while it lasted!!! 
Is it wrong that Say What is one of the first parts I read? I know all you weirdos and I love to see who made it.
4/11/15 9:14 p.m.
I'm just pissed my streak got broke. I had 3 months in a row!
mazdeuce wrote:
Is it wrong that Say What is one of the first parts I read? I know all you weirdos and I love to see who made it.
I always appreciate the witticisms, it's usually about the first thing I check too.
Don't tell the magazine types that troll here though, especially that Wallens character... 
I do the same, to figure out how many I remember from when they happened and that I can identify.
Is it wrong that one of my goals is to one day make "Say What?"
4/13/15 11:38 a.m.
mndsm wrote:
I'm just pissed my streak got broke. I had 3 months in a row!
I've been in a few times, but never consecutively. Nice work!
In reply to mndsm:
My streak of never getting in is still safe. Whew!
GRM needs to just post the "Say what" section here online..
I got in once, I think it may have been out of pity as it wasn't particularly witty. 
I made it in as well. Almost forgot that I said what I did. So I guess I am only slightly/somewhat famous.