New Reader
10/26/08 9:43 p.m.
haha...beef here too...studly meat,
I am Spam, the weird meat.
Aw, yeah, love me some Spam!
JmfnB wrote:
I am steak, eat me.
mad cow! mad cow!
Eat steak, eat steak eat a big ol' steer
Eat steak, eat steak do we have one dear?
Eat beef, eat beef it's a mighty good food
It's a grade A meal when I'm in the moooooood.

East Coast gets a vote up just for quoting the good Reverend.
Marjorie Suddard wrote:
I am Treet, the knock off meat.
Aw, yeah, love me some discount pork products!
fixed it.. you're most definitely off brand .....
Ahh well.. You could be Tulip as well.. I mean it is by appointment of the royal danish court...
you're just alittle too outside of the mainstream to be spam.
I'm Ham. The showoff meat. 
I am Beef, a studly meat.
I am White Castle, the not real meat.
I am smoked sockeye samon 
I am bologna. I suppose that's because they could see the size of the ol' bologna... 
I am liver.
I make kids cry.
I am texturally unique.
I am the forcemeat Spam wanted to be.
Sautéed onions are the fuzzy dice of my Iron laden ways.
10/28/08 6:48 p.m.
Hey I'm the first ham - the show-off meat!
What Lunch Meat Are You?
Both cars are weaksauce.
E30's ith 17's are FTMFW!

EDIT: I absolutely hate that normal forum code doesn't work on this one. Annoys the hell out of me.