Kind of a little off topic here but what the heck. I am getting a little tired of cars as a hobby, I have a car that I can do HPDE's and autocross with. Plus it handles my small commute well and its more then fast enough for me. It will never be competitive in its classification but I am not a good enough driver nor have the desire to go beyond local events.
So I have a shop full of tools and open garage bay with nothing in it. This is a weird situation for me. I have near as I can tell ~15K from selling the last of my cars and collected parts that is not invested and about ~1.5K a month to put in the "hobby" budget. Hot rods are out, been there done that, kit cars are as well done that enough as well.
Would like to use them in a hobby like setting where I can screw around and not sink a ton of money into something but still get that thrill of finding old or rare parts, digging through swap meets, and making a pile of parts into something usable then selling it for a small loss as a way to feel useful.
So the list for me is as such
1. Vintage motorcycles.
2. Build a Morgan 3 wheel.
3. Suggestions from the crowd.
Vintage motorcycles seem to fit a bit, they are small. Realistically inexpensive to build and seem to sell if priced right. Or if built cheap enough collectible and storage is not really a issue. Kind of at a loss at what else to look at as a hobby. I go stark raving made if I am not working my my hands but am a little burned out on cars. Any suggestions highly helpful.
1.5k/month for you hobby budget!? Live vicariously through me by sending me 1/3 of that?
Not in any particular order:
- learn some metalwork
- build some Metalworking machines
- Restore vintage bicycles
- 1.5k a month will certainly pay for some photography equipment
Here you go - better get busy!
You tube of the Mini Ferrari
12/11/09 12:49 p.m.
Fly fishing. Canyon roads, rivers, trout, nobody = bliss.
12/11/09 12:53 p.m.
RC cars. minimal maitenance, tons of speed, all you need is a space to run.
12/11/09 12:57 p.m.
So, let me get this straight: You have money, space and time to spare and are looking for something fun to do?
I usually am constrained by all three. Whatever it is you choose, have fun.
Restore an old tractor - that would be new and different and you said your current ride is fast enough, there are shows and collectors for them.
how about a boat? those are always a good way to throw lots of money and time into and wind up going nowhere fast
Slot cars??
Vintage motorcycles are cool & my other hobby. Same
rules apply, clean & original bring the most money when time to sell.
I am a Guzzi nut so the Morgan sounds cool if you are
going with a Guzzi engine.
Some topics I like for $15k in and 1.5k/mo:
- Build your own aircraft and fly it
- Buy lathe, mill, etc... become a gunsmith
- Restore a classic sailboat
- Restore a vintage race car with some heritage
- I like the vintage motorcycle idea
According to your profile you are in San Diego, the finest climate in the US.
For me it is boats, specifically sailboats. For you it may be power boats. You are in one of the great sailing centers of the country.
Try it, you can rent small boats behind the Convention Center in the Marina attached to the Marroitt. For bigger boats, I have rented from a place on Shelter Island.
Specifically, I race sailboats, mostly of the big variety (where I serve as crew) but sometimes the two man boat variety. During daylight savings time months, there are big-boat sailboat races every Weds night right near the Coronado bridge. Most of these boats are looking for additional crew. You do not have to know how to sail, for most you just have to be willing and able and having an engeneering mind can really help.
if interested, let me know and I will point you in the right direction.
You are tired of cars?
I am sorry .... I don't understand the question.....
What about dog rescue? It's tax deductable and most of your money will go towards putting your Vet's kid through school. 
Photography fits well with cars.
You could go kart racing...but that may not help with the "cars are old" problem.
I've got too many hobbies...but I'd love to do some video shooting and editing. That would work well with cars.
It's still cars...but I get a little bit excited about "utility" vehicles like an old jeep or something to enjoy off-road. This is highly dependent on whether or not you have a place to use such vehicle. could be a build-and-sell proposition.
Bicycles are not too real estate intensive and a healthy habit...
lawn mower racing, boats, (wood boats if you really want to go vintage) old juke boxes, pinball machines...
No, real canoes, as in building cedar-strip canoes.
Very hands-on, and very satisfying.
There is a local place called good news garage. The fix up old beaters, and get them to folks in need. Perhaps something like that? Maybe fix up old lawn mowers and other small machines for folks that might not be able to afford them.
What about a jeep or a sand rail? Something to go off highway with.
12/11/09 3:41 p.m.
Vintage bike was what I thought of first, with wooden sailboat a close second. Ultralight plane could be fun too.
Snowdoggie wrote:
What about dog rescue? It's tax deductable and most of your money will go towards putting your Vet's kid through school.
Funny you should say that, I rescue Maine Coons, most of my time/money for charity goes that direction. In fact I have two 30lb's coons sitting on my couch with me as I type.
Sailing is out, I have a uncle with a 40 foot sailboat and I am a great chum maker. Surfing is out as I used to do it but due to injury no longer can. Woodworking is out, I have all the gear pre marriage, but the wife is deathly alegric to a few of the more common woods.
Needs to be something with my hands. I wish we could still do habitat for humanity but with Mexico has been super bad lately.
RC has some merits I would love to get back into building gliders.
Motorcycles/powered bikes are still sitting in front of my head. One because I think I would like the challenge, two I still have my license. Last I doubt that I could really hurt myself riding a older bike with modern equipment and not at high speeds.
wearymicrobe wrote:
Snowdoggie wrote:
What about dog rescue? It's tax deductable and most of your money will go towards putting your Vet's kid through school.
Funny you should say that, I rescue Maine Coons, most of my time/money for charity goes that direction. In fact I have two 30lb's coons sitting on my couch with me as I type.
I love Maine Coons. One of my friends has one. They are the most dog like cats you can get.
My other motorsport hobby is motorcycles. All I've owned is early 80s Suzukis and Hondas, mostly because they were cheap (the purchase price of every bike I've ever owned combined would fit within a Challenge budget
). Parts are common and cheap with Japanese hardware of that vintage. Personally, my interest is mainly in fixing it up, getting it running well, and cruising around and commuting on nice days. If you have lots of time, energy, and money to burn, you could go for full restorations. Or maybe build some choppers out of them. Or buy a non-running bike for practically nothing (or literally nothing) and breathe it back to life.