Ok, I need someone to call the men in white jackets please! Or at least slap me and yell "pull yourself together man"!
My Holley 5200 (180 Holley) which is more or less a Holley branded Weber 32/36 is dumping fuel through the venturi's as soon as the fuel pump turns on.
At first I thought it was flooding and I had a needle and seat issue or something like that. Nope, needle and seat are only a year or two old and after cleaning and inspecting, seem to be working fine. Whilst appart, I double checked the float setting, and all is good there.
I thought maybe I had too much fuel pressure, nope, it won't even hold 2 psi. Which lead me down the path of perhaps my float was suffering from fuel soak (it's a known problem) and wasn't providing enough seating force for the needle. Ended up finding a float, and after comparing the weight between new and old floats, there's about half a gram in it (just shy of a 5% varience.)
So after a few half baked attempts to figure out what's going on with it I decided to fill the fuel bowl manually with the top off the carb to see what's going on and see if I'd missed something.... What I saw was that the fuel bowl steadily drained it's self down to about half way as I watched fuel freely flowing out of the venturi's.
Perhaps I'm completely missing something, and hopefully someone comes up with something really simple like " hey dumbass, that'll happen if the top gasket is faulty", or "your power valves E36 M3 the bed ya idiot"
Yeah... I'm probably being a bit rough on myself.... But man it's driving me crazy that such a simple Carby has me stumped and obviously missing something that should be standing out like a sore thumb.