8/8/13 6:04 a.m.
Yes we've covered this somewhat before.
I've never resolved this issue, though, in my head. Essentially at this point it would be a second car since that second car is rapidly approaching 'also needs a third row' territory for reasons that are complicated to explain.
The question is simply: What is required to put an Accord (other?) manual transmission into a 99-04 Odyssey? I am primarily talking CV shafts, mounts, and most importantly electronics. Bolt it up, swap ECU and go? Bolt it up, hook up spectrum analyzer, signal generator, and hire a crack team of Honda engineers for a few months? 'splain.
I'm not much help, but I'm in the middle of a 5-spd swap in a 1st gen. It's all been pretty straightforward so far. unfortunately 2g swaps are not as well documented. I think one of the biggest issues iwould beavailability and cost of 6-speed donors.
A bunch of Honda engineers swapped a TSX 6speed trans into an Odyssey for the One Lap. Try asking them?
I would recommend doing engine and trans out of an accord or TL. Not sure which subframe I would use, but making your own motor mounts and modifying the length of the driveshafts (appropriate half of the shaft from each application) shouldn't be too bad.
04-06 TL-S had a 6spd with LSD attached to that engine. Lengthen or shorten shift cables as necessary. 
8/9/13 5:20 a.m.
So what about controlling this beast? Does anyone have any other Insight (pun!) or history going from auto-manual in other vehicles from Honda in that timeframe?
New Reader
8/9/13 8:25 a.m.
Based on TL and accord forums the cars in same year range and v6 has same high transmission failure rate. Most of the users looking for a better solution than a rebuild are installing the 06-07 Odyssey transmission into them. Seems these should also work for the odyssey, not a manual but seems like a viable solution.
The Duramax Diesel and Allison 6-Speed are a direct bolt in.

No. No they aren't.