SWMBO's '09 Fit had one TPMS sensor replaced about a year ago due to a nasty pothole encounter. Since that time it's had the TPMS light on intermittently - sometimes several times in the same trip, others it would stay on/off for a week or more at a time.
Since it was time for new tires, I ordered 4 brand new TPMS sensors. I figured based on other posts I'd read, that with 115kmi at 4-years old, the batteries in the sensors were probably about done.
I just got back from a 50-mile drive, and the TPMS light stayed on the whole time. Is there some type of system-reset I need to do, since all-4 sensors are new?
Ah, thanks. I hadn't seen that info anywhere.
I think you will find it in the owners manual.
That is unless it has disintegrated like so many do.
Hondas require communication to the ECU as a last step. There are lots of independent shops that have tools for this, doesn't require a trip to the dealer.
My shop charges $22 for it, or depending on my mood, I might just do it for somebody.
neckromacr wrote:
Hondas require communication to the ECU as a last step. There are lots of independent shops that have tools for this, doesn't require a trip to the dealer.
My shop charges $22 for it, or depending on my mood, I might just do it for somebody.
+1, its not too terrible to do