So I am finally off the road for the year....have the next 17 days the garage working on our latest project - a LSR Monza. I work on that when Calvin is not able to work on his Studebaker. We work on the Stude when he is in the shop. Anyhoo, I am fitting up the floor pan and can't weld it and hold it at the same time.
"Honey, can you help me?"
Paula -"Sure I'll be right out."
"Can you push this over so I can tack it?"
Paula - "Okay...........Mmmmph....I can't."
"Well what if I hold it and you weld it?"
Paula - "Okay, how do I do that?"
5 minutes later she got the bacon sizzling and the job is done. Flips up the mask with the biggest smile you ever saw. Life is good!
Gotta love it. Good for her.
What are you going to do if she ends up a better welder than you are. 
Well that's easy, she welds and he builds the rest, they should bring 2 different challenge cars every year.
Smile....all the way to the track.
BTW, you should see how good Fuzzy's welds look. His fab and welding skills are becoming very professional looking.
And, since I'm once again bragging (sorry to those who haven't been warned about me braggin on the fam))....Cameron's bridge at PSU broke at more than double the next highest bridge. They had to make a toothe pick bridge that spanned 12", could weigh a max of 40 grams, had a load position at 4 CM, could not lap any toothe picks more than 4 MM, and could not deflect more than 1/2". He build a tester in the shop, built 4 types of trusses, tested them to failure and his own design was the strongest, The bridge held 43.6# and had an efficiency of 558%. Next best was 20.6 # and 278%. And now that I am rolling on the fam bragging, Fuzzy is building circuit boards for a tach using no analog parts and CNC machining carb spacers in shop. He's still in HS. Good thing I'm not waring a buttoned shirt, I'da shot a button through the screen.
That is not how I expected that story to turn out.
That's my kinda braggin!
Maggie wants a welder almost as bad as I do...
Nothing better than ladies welding stuff. There's a good chance she's better at it than I am, so keep bragging!
Good for you both!
Jane got a lesson with the plasma cutter two weeks ago she loved it.
She's great with the metal shears and the metal brake when i need body panels. Once you get them out there to help and see that smile they understand a bit more when your out there @ 11pm..
Theres a joke about bringing home the bacon in there somewhere.
I let my wife trim the hedges with the trimmer. She has this nice evil laugh while straightening the mess out.
I'm sure she'd do fine with a welder.
My wife doesn't like to help me because the engine is 'dirty' - yet she cleans up after our animals all the time without giving it a second thought. Grease or feces - which is more gross? 
She welds and makes you bacon? Sweeeet.
11110000 wrote:
My wife doesn't like to help me because the engine is 'dirty' - yet she cleans up after our animals all the time without giving it a second thought. Grease or feces - which is more gross?
I never thought about it that way before.
wheels777 wrote:
"Well what if I hold it and you weld it?"
Paula - "Okay, how do I do that?"
5 minutes later she got the bacon sizzling and the job is done. Flips up the mask with the biggest smile you ever saw. Life is good!
I read this last night and was inspired....One of my friends had never welded before and I just had him weld the upper door hinge for my datsun replica. I think he really enjoyed it
I'll take grease any day. Even cv joint stuff.
I had to call my wife into the garage yesterday when I was pulling body panels off my CSX. I needed a hand with removing the hood. Then she surprised me. She stayed out there to pull the fenders, nose, and one of the doors! 
Today I had my 13 year old nephew over to help remove the last door and inspect some rusty areas. He was asking lots of questions and I got to teach him a lot about how cars are built.
Andy's got one thing right here: get the family involved with working on the projects. It brings everyone together! 
My girlfriend likes to help with the car stuff too, it's very cute in my opinion. I even have pictures of her sanding down my sideskirts as my disassembled car sits in the yard and my Dad is painting my front bumper in the foreground.
Found the pic:

Congrats, wheels!
Now your cars will get built in 1/2 the time!