Yes, I know I was/am E36 M3 shopping, but with the recent winter storms it's become more obvious that the 996 isn't exactly the ideal winter car (needs a bit more ground clearance, eats tires), especially with the issues with getting snow tires...
Of course the easy way out would be to sell the 996 and the MR2, buy an Evo IX and be done with it. Well, my wife drove the 996 and now it's kinda off the list of 'sellable' cars.
Anyway, even though I don't like Subarus that much, it looks like a 2002-2006 WRX wagon may actually work as a really E36 M3ty winter day driver and also cover the track driving aspect, plus I can get a set of track tires in the back which means I might actually be able to go to track days outside the April-October window.
Most of the ones in my price range (less than $7k) have a lot of miles on them (or are automatic, which immediately disqualify them) so I'm wondering how well they hold up to that? I'm talking 180-250k miles here.
Oddly enough stock ones tend to be slightly cheaper than the usual modified hand grenades, which is a good thing in my book because there are almost as many badly modified ones out there as there are badly modified DSMs.