amg_rx7 wrote:
Brand loyalty is for suckers who buy into marketing hype
Really? I think you are simplifying this too much. Brand, otherwise known as customer loyalty, is the sum of all interactions with anything connected with the product. Everything from the sales experience down to how the product makes you feel when you use it.
Marketing plays a part but is not the sole contributor.
take corvair out of my list and i appear to favor honda and mazda
alrighty.. guess I will post the list.
Start with the Hyundais.
Euro Stuffs:
Volvo 850
Saab 900
Saab 900 SPG
Fiat 124 Spider (5 of them!)
Fiat X1/9
Lancia Scorpian/Montecarlo
VW beetle (3 of them!)
Porsche 914
Porsche 911
BMW 318ti (2 of them!)
Austin Healy Sprite Mk 1
I am not picky on my eurosnobbery. The only things I have not gotten my hands on are a french car and something from russia. I will take the latter in Niva form
I've been all over the board and have no real brand loyalty, but I did have multiples of the same brand (and sometimes car) a few times.
-Mercury (x2)
-Pontiac (x2)
-Subaru (x2)
-Dodge (x2)
-Mazda (x2 if you count the wife's car)
Right now, I really like what Mazda is doing. The wife and I both daily drive a 3 and we like them.
My car "collection" has been pretty diverse.
First, I had a Dodge Ram.
Second, I had a Plymouth Neon Highline.
Then, I had a Jeep Cherokee (XJ).
Next, I sold the Ram and bought a Dodge Neon ACR.
Last, I sold the XJ and bought a Dodge Neon Base.
I'm thinking of picking up another XJ come next spring.
There's also a Corvette and a Fox Body around somewhere, but they are presently just expensive shelves for Neon parts.
The current family collection would be:
- My '97 BMW 328
- Wife's '05 Toyota Camry
- My '66 Dodge Dart
- A '72 Chevy C10 pickup
Not much brand loyalty here. If I had to go shopping for another vehicle, it could easily end up being from a fifth manufacturer.
5/9/13 8:51 a.m.
amg_rx7 wrote:
Brand loyalty is for suckers who buy into marketing hype
Right now have GM, Ford, Dodge, Jeep, Porsche, Toyota, VW, Austin Healy, Honda, Yamaha, BMW, Husqvarna and would love to add something Italian to the stable.
5/9/13 8:53 a.m.
Fueled by Caffeine wrote:
amg_rx7 wrote:
Brand loyalty is for suckers who buy into marketing hype
Really? I think you are simplifying this too much. Brand, otherwise known as customer loyalty, is the sum of all interactions with anything connected with the product. Everything from the sales experience down to how the product makes you feel when you use it.
Marketing plays a part but is not the sole contributor.
Sales experience doesn't really play into it unless buying new from a dealer. We have bought new a few times (Honda, Pontiac (x2), and Jeep) and as long as I get home with what I want I'm cool.
5/9/13 8:57 a.m.
Very brand diverse. I've had German, US, Japanese, and Swedish vehicles. I plan on having British and Italian by the time I'm done with it all, and probably Korean as well. I have had
- Ford
- Chevy
- Mazda
- Nissan
Add in my parents (I've only been out of the house officially for about a year) and we have in my driving lifetime:
- Volvo
- Toyota
- Infiniti
- Toyota again
- BMW again
and if you go back 2 years farther than that
- Mercedes Benz
- Subaru
- Honda
1988RedT2 wrote:
In reply to bravenrace:
Yes, and I can assure you that the first Mazda that disappoints me will send me fleeing. Bad experiences with a few other brands have fostered an intense hatred of GM, Subaru and Hyundai, and it is unlikely that any of their vehicles will ever again occupy a spot in my garage!
See, i'm the opposite. I equate a bad experience to a individual example of a car. Just like if I had a bad experience with an individual person, I wouldn't extend that dislike of that individual to all people of their race or gender.
For example, I've enjoyed over 30 custom air cooled VWs. But if I let my bad expereince with one of them color my perception of all of them, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to enjoy them.
I've seen bad examples of about every make, and had great examples of about every make, too. So I have to take each individual example as it's own discreet experience and let it not cloud ny judgement of others of the same make and/or model. Especially if you're talking about examples decades apart. For example, my direct experience with a Chevy Cavalier had no influence one way otr the other on my purchase of my Volt. Why should it?
Growing up, we always bought the best vehicle for us at the best price. We had Dodge, Ford, GM, Isuzu. We were GM centric because their products typically fit our needs/wants/style better than the competition. I've since owned Hyundai, Kia, Suzuki, Toyota, GM because they fit our needs and gave us the best bang for the buck.
Because of that history, Hy/Kia and GM always get the first look when it's time to replace. But we will look at all the products that suit our needs, try them all and then make a decision.
so far, Hy/Kia and GM keep winning.
I work for Ford so obviously I'm closely aligned on brand loyalty, but I have dated around ;)
Current crop:
Volvo (purchased new when still owned by Ford)
Geo, purchased new by my wife 20 years ago before I even lived in the country
Saab, a dead company purchased as a $700 toy.
Growing up we had:
British Leyland (Various)
Previously I have owned in decreasing frequency:
Ford x 12
Roots group / Chrysler x lost count
Mazda x 3
Kit cars x 2
Vauxhall x 2
Triumph x 2
Opel x 1
VW x 1
Geo x 1
Volvo x 1
Saab x 1
Citroen x 1
Toyo, toyo, to to to, I just can’t begin to say the name and the nightmare. Let’s call the mistake the Evil Empire aka Turdbota.
It has mostly been Fords, Dodges and Hondas.
My self, honda, dodge, dodge. A nissan might be next.
Wife, honda, honda, honda
Mom(as far as I personally remember), ford, ford, ford, dodge, ford, ford, honda
Dad(same stipulation) dodge, ford, honda, dodge, ford, dodge.
Dad MCs, suzuki, honda, yamaha
1988RedT2 wrote:
My daily driver has been a Mazda for 25 out of the last 30 years. That covers exactly 3 Mazdas in that 25 years, and 3 other cars in 5 years. I like Mazdas.
Also, my "other" car has been a Mazda (RX-7) for the last 10 years.
My favorite brand is Mazda also, but I haven't had one in quite a long time. I sold my RX-2 race car in 1993, and since then I've had a Dodge GLH Turbo, a Ford Escort GT (at least that was mostly Mazda mechanically), and now two Nissans in succession.
The older I get, the less loyal I am to any brand or continent. I'd like to think a big part of that is simply growing up. However, it's also hard to ignore that the differences in build quality between the brands are so far off from what they were 20 years ago. Sometimes preferences and prejudices are valid. I guess you just have to be flexible with them.
That said, I started out as a Honda fanboi due to a 93 Civic Si that came into my possession in as a teenager 96. Since then my wallet keeps voting for Japanese four-bangers, even if they aren't Hondas (Toyota Mazda). I've come >this< close to buying an E30 M3, multiple 944's, and last go-round an E39 wagon. I really kick myself over the M3, since it would be worth twice as much now.
I'm feeling the need for something European in my life. I keep thinking an E24 6-series would do nicely.... or a Volvo wagon with a SBC swap.
I also have an inexplicable urge to buy a Camaro. Everybody keeps telling me no, but I think it's only fueling my irrational desire.
So, in the end, I guess I'm just a Japanese fanboi that talks a big game about buying other cars. 
Looks like I've had Fords and Chryslers the most with Mazda not too far behind. But really I've had a bit of everything
Dodge/Jeep/Chrysler 6
Ford 6
Mazda 5
Toyota 4
Lada 3
Nissan/Datsun 3
Honda 2
Kit car 2
Chevrolet/Envoy 2
Mercedes 2
Triumph 1
Reliant 1
Hyundai 1
Volkswagen 1
Datsun 1
ArthurDent wrote:
Looks like I've had Fords and Chryslers the most with Mazda not too far behind. But really I've had a bit of everything
Reliant 1
How common were Lada's North of the border? Any old ones left. BAsicaly a Fiat in Commie drag, great sleepers.
What kind of reliant, Scimitar I assume?
New Reader
5/9/13 11:25 a.m.
I've owned...
Honda, Acura, Dodge, Jeep, Mazda, BMW, Subaru, Oldsmobile, Toyota.
Parent's have owned Jeep, Ford, H/A since I was born... and a couple Grand Prix's. I don't mention the "P" work around them.
I like the Jeep and H/A stuff the best. Easy to work on, troubleshoot, and cheap to fix. My favorite brand to drive has to be Mazda though, something they do to their cars just makes them so dang fun to drive. H/A stuff is pretty bland until you start tinkering with them.
I've owned Nissan, Subaru, VW, BMW and Mazda. I'm planning on adding a domestic or two to that list as soon as my pennies are saved.
Adrian_Thompson wrote:
ArthurDent wrote:
Looks like I've had Fords and Chryslers the most with Mazda not too far behind. But really I've had a bit of everything
Reliant 1
How common were Lada's North of the border? Any old ones left. BAsicaly a Fiat in Commie drag, great sleepers.
What kind of reliant, Scimitar I assume?
They were sold in small-ish numbers back in the 80s and early 90s. Skodas and Dacias sold in very small numbers. Most are all gone now except for the occasional Niva. Seem a few fwd Samaras in the junkyard in the last few years but only one older rwd.
Yeah my Reliant was a '69 Scimitar GTE - rare car over here.
Triumph, Chevrolet, Honda, Fiat, Cadillac, Ford, Willys, Volkswagen, Austin, Subaru.
5/9/13 12:19 p.m.
I've owned American, German, Swedish and Japanese cars. Most of my cars have been Saabs, but that's just because they're cheap, fun, and I know how to work on them (and have amassed a hell of a collection of parts).
If I had to stick to one brand, it would be Saab. I could have a V4-powered 95 for cruising, a C900 for motorsports duties (already have that), a 9-3 SportCombi for my fiancée, and a 9-7X Aero (aka Trailblazer SS) for towing duties.
Of course, I would rather have my current stable of misfit toys... As someone else has already said, my real allegiance lies with cheap and whatever I perceive to be cool at the time.
In my adult life my wife and I have had:
3 VW's
2 Hondas
1 Mazda
1 Ford/Mazda (Ford Probe beater)
1 Toyota
I guess we are not very brand loyal. SWMBO tends to get something newer every 5 years or so. 2 of the VW's were hers as is the Toyota. I am thinking about selling my Civic after 16 years of ownership.
Its easier to say what I won't drive...German, British, Mitsubishi, any company no longer supported by a manufacturer.
I don't think I've ever owned a Toyota or Mazda, but I bear them no ill will.
I've mostly driven German cars, but have no real brand loyalty. I've just never really liked the feel of most Japanese or American cars, but if I found the right one I'd totally drive it. I've owned:
VW (x10 or so)
Cadillac (1965. I view pretty much everything they made from the early '70s to about '03 or so total crap)
I've also never owned a truck, but I usually have one supplied by my work. Right now it's a Chevy 1500, but I've also had a couple Rangers and an S10.