My first event of the year was a two day rallycross in Cehalis Washington. I had a co-driver for the weekend to help me get the setup right and put as may race miles as possible on the car. The car was a pleasure to drive and fast right from the start. There was only one car is our class that could beat us on out right pace unfortunately my driving let me down. I think some more seat time and a trip to the Primitive Rally School will help the driver and a good alignment with more negative camber in the front will help the car.
Not Clean 
Snow tire do not fit as nicely in the back of the car as slicks do. 

Ahhhggg. I'm a fellow rotard, I LOVE 1st gens and this ain't helping.
If I might say something: from years of dirt bike experience I can say SuperTrapps suck balls. By the time you have enough discs to make any decent power the damn thing is so loud you might as well not have any muffler at all. I run a DynoMax on my 13B powered Jensen Healey for that reason.
In reply to Curmudgeon:Thanks for the tip Curmudgeon I am always looking for a better setup.
Well last weekend’s rallycross was canceled secondary to the field it was to be held in was transformed into a lake by a storm that dropped 4” of rain over the weekend. I was looking forwards to running in the mud as it would have been the first time I had the car out in wet conditions. Out of the eight or so rallycrosses we have around hear in a year half are wet so it would have been good to get some seat time on a wet course. There is one more event scheduled for the 10th of November but the location is TBA I hope it happens as I am jonsing for some rallycross action.
Hopefully the next ORG event is at the English Pit. I'll be sure to introduce myself if I end up going (ie buying a car that is capable of competing).