dean1484 said:
I have not been on track in a while and I will be replacing all my gear. Some of it has aged out . Some of it I wont fit i anymore and some of it is just worn out. I will also probibly be adding a fire extinguisher setup as well as new belts and more than likley a new seat. Helmet, Hanz, fire suite, gloves, shoes, underware, balacava, the list is long.
Anyway this is going to be a noticable line item in my play money budjet and I was wondering what others usually spend. By the time i am all in I will be in the 3k range.
My HANS was $100 used (FIA) and replacement straps were $30 to keep it certed
Helmet was about $600 from Ireland (it's a Stilo WRC, so more like $1k here in the US). For road racing, I would have gotten a less expensive helmet.
Just got a new seat (OME HTR-E) for about $500 from Ireland. Of course a rally car needs two of them. My current Sparco Evos were $400 for the pair, used, off CL.
My suit got for about $200 for a $600 suit since apparently nobody likes bright red Alpinestars
Harnesses were about $150 each as I recall from Saferacer. Ugly colors are cheaper ;)
I like nice gloves so I think I spend 120 on some Alpinestars
Shoes, another 100 or so (Alpinestars)
I done were nomex underwear since my suit is multi-layer and it's not required for rally
I have an Alpinestars balclava, but I don't wear it much
I'd say my personal gear was around $2k for nice, mid-range stuff, but I certainly could have knocked $500 off that by getting slightly lower-end stuff (G-Force suit, cheaper helmet, etc). My codriver has his own stuff except harnesses....
I buy my smaller stuff locally (OG Racing)
I buy my helmets and seats from Murray Motorsport in Ireland, usually when they have sales like Black Friday.
Just keep your eyes open for previous-year stuff and/or colors that are less popular, and you can find some great deals.