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ralleah PowerDork
8/13/24 8:42 p.m.
Peabody said:
Duke said:

I have extremely little tolerance for fakeness.

The whole electronic engine noise thing drives me batE36 M3 crazy.  Mechanically manipulate the ICE exhaust via resonance chambers, crossovers. etc - no problem.  Play something electronically synthesized through the stereo? No deal.

Not only would I not push that button, I probably wouldn't buy that vehicle.

I despise fake woodgrain, fake vents, fake aero, fake boobs, the whole lot.


In our group a lot of the women have had work done and the large majority of it is obvious, and poorly done. I find it disgusting.

Who said it was done for you?

ShinnyGroove (Forum Supporter)
ShinnyGroove (Forum Supporter) Dork
8/13/24 8:44 p.m.

There's a fine line between the desire for authenticity and cork sniffing/gatekeeping activity.  I guess it's up to each of us to decide where that line is.

I won't speak to cars, but music was mentioned several times in this thread and I can speak to that.  I agree with Mr. Asa that autotune is simply everywhere, and isn't always an indictment of the musical talent or artistry involved.  It's like saying that photography can't be any good unless it's shot on 35mm film and developed with chemicals in a darkroom.  Autotune is just another tool; it can be used well, poorly, and everything in between.  It can't make bad singers into good singers.  Whomever you think is the very best singer in the world right now, I can almost promise you that their last album used autotune along with a whole other bag of tricks.  The idea that all new music is bad is also mostly due to closed-mindedness or laziness.  

Relic'ed guitars were also mentioned.  Yes, there are some that look like they've been dragged down the street behind a car and are inauthentic.  But there are also aged Martins and Gibsons that are handmade in custom shops, and the care that goes into aging them is unbelievable.  They've gone as far as to reformulate the lacquers and paints to try to more closely resemble those that were used during the golden years.  Thermal processing is used to age the woods to more closely resemble older woods.  The guitars are subjected to heat cycling that causes the lacquer finish to crack and craze exactly like the golden era classics did, all of which can improve the tone.  When you play the aged instruments compared to new ones of the same model, the difference can be shocking.

This is pretty far afield from the OP about AI-generated writing.  I still like and support real writers.  I just also think that most of the "authentic" stuff in these other areas wasn't as good as we remember it, and a lot of the new stuff deserves more attention than we probably give it.

Toyman! GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
8/13/24 9:07 p.m.

Seems appropriate. 

Cyclone03 New Reader
8/13/24 11:13 p.m.

Well,my FE powered 5spd 68 Mustang has nothing fake,the noise shakes and vibration is as real as can be.

I will never buy a car with fake sound...until I did.

I have a 2023 Ford Explorer that makes electronic zoomy noises and I don't care anymore.

Duke MegaDork
8/14/24 7:40 a.m.

In reply to ralleah :

Nobody said it was done for us.  Anyone can alter their own body in any way they want for any reason they want to.

But you're presenting yourself to the public, and therefore the public is going to react to that presentation, [visibly or not].

[edit]  I do keep my opinion to myself, certainly in any way that would identify a specific person.  But just like everyone is entitled to make themselves over however they like, everyone else is entitled to an opinion about it, and to express their opinions generically.

I'm also talking about purely aesthetic modifications, not reconstruction.  But this part of the discussion is getting pretty far afield, so I'll drop it.

I'll just say that I personally much prefer natural flaws over artificial perfection every time, and keep any further opinions to myself.


Peabody MegaDork
8/14/24 7:53 a.m.

In reply to Duke :

 I think that was meant for me. You don't know what our group is wink

Nonetheless, who it was done for is irrelevant, I still think it looks disgusting

Mr_Asa MegaDork
8/14/24 8:32 a.m.
Duke said:

In reply to ralleah :

[edit]  I do keep my opinion to myself, certainly in any way that would identify a specific person.  But just like everyone is entitled to make themselves over however they like, everyone else is entitled to an opinion about it, and to express their opinions generically

Everyone always forgets the last part of that which is "and suffer the consequences of expressing that opinion."

Free speech is not freedom from consequences. 


(Not saying there are consequences to anything you said in here, just that its the part that is always overlooked.)

SV reX
SV reX MegaDork
8/14/24 9:37 a.m.

I've never met most of the people on this forum. Assuming you ARE people. You're just 1's and 0's to me.  With fake names. 

Oh wait... I guess that's all I am too!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

theruleslawyer Reader
8/14/24 9:41 a.m.
Andy Hollis said:

Sometimes that makes manufacturers uncomfortable and they let us know.

That sounds like an interesting story...

I don't mind the fake noise too much. I do mind when companies don't give us a way to turn it off in the UI. Even if I like the noise in sport mode, maybe I just want the quietest cabin possible when cruising around town doing errands. EV's on the other hand... lol at v8 sounds coming from them. The deserve to be mocked for trying to be something they are not.

SV reX
SV reX MegaDork
8/14/24 9:58 a.m.

I saw Def Leppard recently. 

Rick Allen is one of the best drummers in the world, and he does it with 1 arm.  He has foot pedals which trigger high hat, etc.  But he also loops some tracks.  For repetitive rhythm he has a pre-recorded track that he plays over.  He's been doing it since 1984.

He's a genius. There is nothing "fake" about his music, even though some of it is recorded. 

All the devices that mimic "real" are just tools. There are good ways to use tools, and bad ways. I can build a house with a hammer, or murder someone. 

The only thing different now is that we are a little out of balance. The tools are being overused a bit.  It's a new age, with new tools. People are learning them, and discovering them. Same as the Computer Age, or the Space Age, or the Industrial Age, or the Iron Age.

It will balance out. Just like all those other tools.

Coniglio Rampante
Coniglio Rampante Reader
8/14/24 10:20 a.m.

On the topic of "fake" and the general thread drift, there seems to be a growing number of fake (or at least AI) automobile reviews on utube also.  There's no human to be seen, just a monotone voice droning on and on.  Clever monkeys.

theruleslawyer Reader
8/14/24 11:06 a.m.
Coniglio Rampante said:

On the topic of "fake" and the general thread drift, there seems to be a growing number of fake (or at least AI) automobile reviews on utube also.  There's no human to be seen, just a monotone voice droning on and on.  Clever monkeys.

That's all over the place. I've gotten to the point where if there isn't a visible human presenter I just turn them off. AI voice generation is just getting better. Of course that'll only last as long as its still hard to do video, which if you haven't seen sora yet, is scary.


03Panther PowerDork
8/14/24 11:33 a.m.
The filtered version of life allows most to keep moving without having to think too hard.

That actually sums up SO much, these days!

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