I spent two days cleaning the shop this weekend. No before pictures, lets just say it was a disaster. Everything got moved, swept under, put up, rearranged, or thrown out.
I just have too much stuff.
The problem is I HATE to run up to the hardware store for anything so I tend to hang on to everything and buy extras when I do have to make the trip.
Maybe I'm a shop hoarder...

I did manage to get the G35 back where it belongs and out of the weather.

No pictures of the other wall. It's equally full of cabinets, the mill, the bandsaw, welder, the press, forge, and the sheet metal machine.
I need a 100 x 100 building.
Panoramic shot of my garage because I am not opening the door in the current weather:

I'm in mid-cleanup right now. Normally everything is jammed over into one side, and a car can fit. When i'm done, a car will still be able to fit, but I am hoping to have more working space. This weekend, I just moved my workbench back to its proper location after it had been stashed away a long time ago, I think to allow enough depth to do an engine swap, which would have been something like three years ago.
Cars/trucks: '71 Bronco, '66 Porsche, '66 C10, '97 XJ, '01 GMC
ATV's (all Hondas): '06 Rancher, '96 Fourtrax, TRX 70, ATC 125m, 200x, 250r, 350x, bits and pieces of others
UTV, riding mower, push mower, chainsaw, leaf blower, several weedeaters
Couple of R/C trucks
Too many toolboxes
Several engines here and there
Lift, drill press, hydraulic press, parts washer, welder, vise on stand, cutoff saw, air compressor(s)
Beer bottle collection spanning several decades
More posters than wall space
...and that's just downstairs.
No, you don't you'll just fill it up (as would most of us). I'm in the process of decluttering my garage some more. A car fits in your garage with space to work on it so from that stand point you're good but I spied several duplicates in there. You'd be amazed at how getting rid of a lot of little stuff frees up space.
I think we all have some version off this.
We went from 30x20 to 70x20 and it seemed like it would never fill up. Now I'm wishing I could take down the wall and get another 70x15....
Mine looks a lot like yours, just not as well organized, lol. I keep all those weird little widgets i might need in the future. I mean, why else do you HAVE a shop?
No shop for me. All my tools and parts loaded into the racecar which is full to the roof. I miss having a shop and I'm excited to again, hopefully soon.

We have way too much crap...
3 car garage (30x24) that has no car in it and has not regularly had a car in it for 8 years. I do however have a spare dining room table and the matching sideboard/buffet in the garage. Also a 15 yr old treadmill in near mint condition. No less that 3 wooden rocking chairs, and, a whole lot of crap.
Lets just say that a 3rd car's worth of garage is not a suitable replacement for a house with a basement. One thing I really wanted in a house was a basement. I settled on a house w/o a basement but a 3 car garage.
Also, strangely, the house only has 8 ft ceilings in the garage. Add to that, I have textured, white painted sheetrock as a garage ceiling. The ceiling in my garage is just like the ceiling in most people's living rooms. That seems nice from a fashion perspective but not that good from a function perspective. This means no easy exposed beams for mounting things up high and no ability to hide things like pvc pipe up in the rafters.
I do have plans to tackle the garage during the corona isolation. It will be a big task and it just hasn't risen to the top of the list yet.
Here is an old listing photo of my garage from when I bought the place in 2011.

At the most right of that counter is a deep. fiberglass sink. Super handy! Another odd feature, if you look at that right wall, mounted low on the wall is a hot/cold faucet such designed that you can hook a hose up to it. Further more, the garage has a floor drain in the middle. In theory, I could wash a car (with warm water) inside my garage...in theory.
My shop is pretty new. Haven't had time to cram it full yet.

4/13/20 11:21 a.m.
Believe it or not, this was a two car garage. Every time I restored a car the walls grew inward with another layer of 'stuff' I 'needed' to keep.

My shop is screwed. I've been working for two years to whittle it down.
I used to have a 40x40, plus a 36x42, PLUS a barn... PLUS a 40' container for storing all my stuff.
After the divorce, I now have a 12x24 one-car garage on 0.18 acres. I went from 7500 sf to less than 300 sf. I can't even fit my lawnmower and motorcycle in there.
I have an entire room dedicated to cardboard boxes. They're a necessary evil with all the eBay sales. At least they're organized and neat now!
I have the same disease of hanging on to things. I just recently sold some items I know I've had over 20 years. I'm trying really hard to only hold on to what I'm actually going to use; the difficulty is that my idea of what I'm really going to use expands as soon as I'm holding something cool. I've been trying to use the philosophy of "if you wouldn't buy it for money right now then you shouldn't keep it" but that only goes so far.
I have 1600sf that was jammed full of crap and three cars and a giant mower. It's slowly becoming less jammed and then I need to redo the (currently non-functional) bathroom and then put in a kitchenette and then spruce up the rest of it.. if I can ever get ahead of the curve on other projects, family, work, etc etc
I keep my sanity by way of an absolute requirement that all three cars (Miata, FD, Audi not pictured) go back in the garage at the end of the weekend. Miata on the lift, FD underneath, Audi to the side. That cuts down on the amount of crap I can put in there as well as forcing a reasonable amount of cleanup on an ongoing basis.

Also not pictured, the 10x10 shed in the side yard that's full of car-related stuff.
So my current shop is 26 x 26 as pictured above. It's pretty full.
Not pictures is another 2 car garage attached to the house that the Abomination is stored in. It's too embarrassing to post a picture of that mess. It's so full that you almost can't walk through it. That is where the lawn mowers and garden type stuff is stored, as well as most of the other little used junk. I really need to purge it because there is stuff in there I will never use.
In reply to Lof8 - Andy :
That is way too tidy. You aren't allowed to post pictures in here anymore. 
4/13/20 12:24 p.m.
In reply to Lof8 - Andy :
Nothing to contribute, I don't have a garage. Yet.
How much stuff is in the shop? WAY TOO MUCH STUFF!!!
Problem is, I have nowhere else to put a lot of it. Things are getting better though; I did get a new tool chest that holds 99% of the hand and power tools, and I've been reorganizing and tossing out stuff I'll never use. Maybe this will be the year I can get a car back in there. 
4/13/20 12:38 p.m.
I just spent the entire 3-day weekend cleaning out my garage. Before I started, you could barely see the floor. I'm fairly please with the results. I also didn't take any before pics. When I started I had shelves on both walls and I didn't want that. So the workbench went to the back and all shelves on the left. My garage is only 15X24, so I have to be careful if I want to get a car inside. I would have cleared out more except the local landfills are all closed due to COVID-19.

In reply to dculberson (Forum Supporter) :
My wife was just making fun of my box collection, well if your going to eBay stuff you have to have boxes ready to go.
Some folks stopped by to look at moving our current house to their property and I was embarrassed to show the garage lol. It fits my wife's T&C into a slot but the rest is packed.
I don't feel so bad now.
My shop is a disaster. But less so these days. I need a bigger shed for yard tools. (Lawn tractor, log splitter, push mower ect)
If my wife sees this thread, I'm in trouble. There's enough stuff, and enough disorganization, that I can't use my shop for a shop. I could probably get three cars in it if it was empty.
I've been picking away at it for the past month or so. Really need to get going, since I've got a car that needs some work, and it's going to be really hot in the driveway.
OK this is my version of a cluttered garage and the clutter is making me antsy. If I had the level of stuff some folks have I'm pretty sure I'd implode. I lack that level of tolerance.

In reply to Tom1200 :
Meanwhile, I wish I had the self discipline to keep my garage as tidy as yours.