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DrBoost UltimaDork
8/26/16 9:26 a.m.

If it wouldn't cause soo much clean up, I'd do this.

Tyler H
Tyler H GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
8/26/16 10:27 a.m.
Spoolpigeon wrote: Nerf gun. Fun AND effective.

50% correct. People say cats are trainable, but that hasn't been my experience. Cats are assho1es. All I have to do is cock my nerf pistol and they break out and cease whatever illicit cat activity they were engaged in. Trainable? No way.

Welcome to cat ownership (that means the cat now owns you, human.) Get used to your new listeria counters, especially if some female humans in the household think they're adorable.

My dad trained his dog a silent command that meant seek and destroy the cat. It sounds like when you take a bite of something too hot, and then he's off like a shot to pounce on the kitty. Most hilarious thing I've ever seen, and the female cat sympathizers in the household are none the wiser.

lastsnare Reader
8/26/16 10:44 a.m.

check this guy out, I think he has a really really good handle on cats in general, he specifically addresses the countertop issue and offers what sound to me like the best suggestions.

Keep the cats off the dang counter, by Jackson

cats and dogs are way different. lots of people try to treat them the same and that's when they get bit or scratched (i.e. don't do that thing that you got scratched right after ! :P ) anywho, I think he's worth a listen. cats seem tough to figure out for many people.

Trackmouse Dork
8/26/16 10:46 a.m.

In cat world, you gotta establish that you're the mom. In typical cat world dad is nowhere to be seen. Momma does the disciplining. We does this by picking up her young by the back of the neck skin. Notice when you do this the cat immediately freezes, and the tail goes between the legs. When the cat is on the counter, do this. As you pick the cat up hold its face close to yours and in a low voice say "noooooo" (like batman) then put it on the floor and release. A few times of this and you should have the cat aware that you are the boss and you don't like it on your tables or counters. (you shouldn't be hurting it when doing this, if you are, you're doing it wrong!) my cat knows when He's on the counter and I'm in the room all it takes is looking at him and he usually meows and then jumps down. If he hesitates I snap my finger and he books it, light speed, on the double. Cats are trainable, but insistent on there own way.

markwemple SuperDork
8/26/16 10:47 a.m.

Get some of that old school runner that has all the nubs on the underside. Place it on the counter so the nubs are up. The cats should hate it and quickly learn to avoid the area.

MulletTruck New Reader
8/26/16 10:56 a.m.
Tyler H wrote: People say cats are trainable, but that hasn't been my experience.

My cats are better trained then most dogs. It is possible. With cats you just have to find what motivates them the most. sometimes its petting or treats or even being left alone.

etifosi Dork
8/26/16 11:03 a.m.

How to keep cats off of counter: get rid of counter?

aircooled MegaDork
8/26/16 11:11 a.m.

Having pets in your home has been shown to significantly to increase your immune system.

If you think that will happen without getting a little poop in you mouth you are kidding yourself.

edizzle89 Dork
8/26/16 11:16 a.m.

our cat use to get on the counter, usually we had the spray bottle and that worked pretty well, when she should get up there while at i was at the sink i would hit here with the sink sprayer, a few times of that and she's pretty much stopped.

DaveEstey PowerDork
8/26/16 12:03 p.m.

Keep the floor freshly waxed. No traction = no jump.

Bonus for internet monies from shooting videos of attempts.

EastCoastMojo GRM+ Memberand Mod Squad
8/26/16 12:38 p.m.

I recognize that this is not feasible for inside, but it is downright hilarious to watch and very GRM. Don't watch at work unless it is totally OK to bust out laughing uncontrollably. https://www.youtube.com/embed/uIbkLjjlMV8 For your issue I would recommend getting a cleaner that is citrus oil based (that you can tolerate the smell of). My personal fav is Pedros Oranj Peelz. Wipe the entire counter surface liberally with the cleaner every day before you leave. MOST cats hate the smell of citrus and will not want to be around it or have it on their paws.

DrBoost UltimaDork
8/26/16 2:26 p.m.
EastCoastMojo wrote: I recognize that this is not feasible for inside, but it is downright hilarious to watch and very GRM. Don't watch at work unless it is totally OK to bust out laughing uncontrollably. https://www.youtube.com/embed/uIbkLjjlMV8 For your issue I would recommend getting a cleaner that is citrus oil based (that you can tolerate the smell of). My personal fav is Pedros Oranj Peelz. Wipe the entire counter surface liberally with the cleaner every day before you leave. MOST cats hate the smell of citrus and will not want to be around it or have it on their paws.

I posted that video up there ^.
One of my all-time favorite youtube videos - bar none.
In fact, I think I first saw it linked on GRM.

DrBoost UltimaDork
8/26/16 2:26 p.m.

Oh, I like the citrus idea. I'll give it a try.
This has been a very enjoyable thread to read.

92dxman SuperDork
8/26/16 2:31 p.m.

My parents have used a squirt gun with dogs and it has worked. Wonder if it would transfer to cats. Mrs. DX and I have three cats and one of them runs like Usain Bolt when I hold up my keys and shake them. He is afraid of keys for some reason. When he is being an ahole, I resort to the keys and it has a good success rate.

Dr. Hess
Dr. Hess MegaDork
8/26/16 2:44 p.m.

Kitty bomb. Get an empty soda pop can, put something in it to make more noise (optional), keep it handy. When the cat is doing something like that, throw the can at it. It helps. And it's phun. Tape works great on things they are scratching up.

ncjay SuperDork
8/26/16 2:56 p.m.

Might be on the extreme side, but where spraying water fails, this should do the trick. I like the water in the cookie pan idea. That could be fun.

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